Monday, August 1, 2011


Considering that Linden wanted the current debt ceiling to not be raised, the costs of government to be reduced immediately and continuing (not spread over a fake ten-year period), and for no tax increase, it appears that there is little chance he will be completely happy. He may be completely miserable.
As the “negotiations” continue interminably, the word “compromise” is bandied about with increasing frequency. This is particularly true of Reid and Obama…please remember that the word stands for surrendering responsibility to the budget wreckers or, more aptly, non-producers.
From Linden’s standpoint, the one thing to be pleased about is that the Tea Party influence in the 2010 election has halted the usual mad rush to compromise. If this debacle concerns you, think about actively supporting those who oppose the incumbents who are, and have been, actively wedded to compromise and reaching across the aisle.
Link to voter fraud article:
Link to music by the Louvin Brothers:
Friday: Men’s Prayer Breakfast and Brian came to see me at 8:00…he had a mid-morning business meeting in Indianapolis. We had intended to go get him some breakfast but, as he wasn’t hungry, so we just had a nice visit. Sandi had cleaned my place while I was at MPB so it was somewhat nicer than usual for Brian’s visit.
Saturday: Thuc had a gathering at his place, which I attended. I got to apologize to Jennifer for not being able to attend her wedding and Long, Thuc’s son was also there…he had just finished his first Navy training and is preparing to start Seal training. It was Thuc’s birthday and also the 36th anniversary of his coming to the U.S. after escaping from Viet Nam.
Sunday: church, Sunday school and a meeting regarding our upcoming bluegrass concert next Sunday. Julie and Jade came by for a nice visit after the NASCAR race was over…Julie went to it as part of a business related affair. Jade had noticeably grown since I last saw her three months ago. She is a real cutie! We played some T-ball outside, watched a movie, and just generally had a good time.
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