Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Subject Of The Day
Mostly About Me
Blatant Self Promotion

Attendance at Plainfield Christian Church is a continuing blessing for all who attend. Sunday services featured Steve White and Tim Gephart presenting a study of Ephesians through 3:21: Steve led the first, third and fourth Sundays while Tim led the second Sunday while Steve was at TCM in Austria.

Mike Isaacs led my Sunday school class in the study of 2nd Samuel.

John Meding, Tim Gephart, and Larry Bellville led the Wednesday evening services which I attended. Subjects were Dare to Change, Dare to Believe, and Dare to Trust.

Two of our Friday morning Men’s Prayer Breakfasts were led by Steve White, one by Mike Isaacs and the other by one of the leaders of I.D.E.S.

The prayer and reading at our Thursday small group breakfast were given by Wayne, Bill, Jack, and Chuck.
Fred Rodkey led the April 6 meeting at Chapel Rock CC, an estate planning seminar was presented at Fair Haven CC at our April 15 CDCMF meeting, Jeff and I presented readings and and I believe it was either Lloyd or Mike who gave the closing prayer at our meeting at Kingsway, while David and Patti Jefferson gave a touching report regarding the health concerns concerning their granddaughter, McKenna, at our Golden Glows luncheon. The Jefferson’s will soon leave the PCC ministry to continue to provide care for McKenna in Cincinnati.

Tuesday brought cinnamon rolls with a friend for breakfast. Later, I dropped off my recyclables, went to the post office, credit union, and by the church. In the evening, had dinner at the Avon Legion Post.

Please join me in praying that Nicholas Goldsberry will find the perfect position for him in the ministry. He is a talented young man with a Masters degree, speaks Spanish and, I believe, some Chinese. He is an amazing person who is limited in the eyes of some by being blind.

A listing of books I’ve written and/or published may be viewed by clicking on going to “Books For Sale” and searching on Linden Swift. 

Order my 13 song CD “Songs A Poor Old Police Department Retiree Might Write … While Waiting For His Meager Pension Check” by sending name, address, and your check for $8.00 to Linden Swift, Box 203, Plainfield, IN 46168


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