Tuesday, October 15, 2013


Subject Of The Day
Mostly About Me
Linden on Amazon Kindle & You Tube

With all deliberate speed (joke) the Senate under the leadership of Harry Reid and the patriotic oversight (joke) of President Obama is moving toward a bill that will avert (possible joke) the government shutdown. If the shutdown does occur, it is hard to say what the end result will be…little is said about that and the concern spreads beyond the shores of America. To this point, negotiations have revealed practically no flexibility on the part of the President (although he talks about it a lot) (great talker, lousy leader), or the two bodies that make up Congress. All are expecting the Republicans to cave on their hopes for a more responsible government. So far, in spite of the words of the opposition and the responsible (joke) media, the Tea Party members have appeared to Linden to be the only ones really concerned about the well being of the country.
MOSTLY ABOUT ME       lswift8@aol.com

On Monday I had an echo cardiogram at the Danville hospital…it seems that everyone there is just so nice. In the evening, I watched the Colts lose a game…got to bed late.
Here is a link to the 6th  of my CD songs on You Tube “IM GONNA GET EVEN WITH YOU” 


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