Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Subject Of The Day
Mostly About Me
Linden on Amazon Kindle & You Tube
Well, maybe “neglects” should have been used instead of “forgets.” How could any unbiased person completely forget the terrible Obamacare law foisted off upon a mostly unconscious American public by Obama and his democrat toadies. So, today Linden will neglect Obamacare in favor of a few words concerned with the horrible events which, mostly with the blessing of the inept President and his stooge, Kerry, occurred in Iran and Afghanistan and will be a blight upon at least one Christian family and the civilized world. The three links below further address these subjects.
Link re an abandoned Christian:
Link re stoning sinners:
Link to the worst recent Obama mistake:
MOSTLY ABOUT ME       lswift8@aol.com
Monday started with biscuits and gravy at Chick-fil-A where I also worked the Sodoku puzzle. From there, went on to Big O Tires where I had the auto tires rotated and had an enjoyable conversation with a lady from Avon. Then on to the post office and a bunch of not real great mail. Dan and Diana dropped by for coffee and conversation (and a few peanut butter filled pretzels) in the afternoon. I corresponded a bit with Brian and Alison.
I am currently attempting to secure at least one reader in each of the 50 States of any one of the six Linden Swift books on Amazon Kindle. If you should help in this area, send me an E-mail to the above address.

Here is a link to the 12th of my CD songs on You Tube “IT’S A SOMETIMES WORLD” 


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