Monday, February 25, 2008


FAITH without works is dead. James 2:26
CHANGE unidentified may hold danger. L. Swift 2008
HOPE without definition is meaningless. L. Swift 2008


Presidential candidate John MCain spoke to a large and receptive gathering in Indianapolis since my last posting. In that same vein, I suppose I should say that I understand that Ralph Nader has now announced a campaign for President.

I called my only remaining brother-in-law on his birthday: He was 96. Two of my sisters and I lived with him and an older sister when I was in the eighth grade. The land in central Illinois was really flat and I was used to the hills of southern Indiana. I missed my Dad a lot but was cared for very well.

"Why are you not running for a seat on the County Council?" This was a recent question for which I had no reasonable answer. So, just before the deadline on Friday, Linden went to the Government Center in Danville and filed for the office. He had served one term in this capacity some years ago and expects to enjoy the campaign (not planned or thought out at all) until the May 6 primary.

Following Church and Sunday School Linden was on his way to meet three couples at a restaurant for brunch. He was almost there when he discovered that he was wearing a coat that was not his. This is the kind of thing that could wreck a political campaign. He immediately returned to the proper coat rack and made the exchange. Hopefully before the owner of the jacket in question missed it. When Linden recounted the story after arriving, late, at the restaurant his friends were not overly sympathetic.

Although there was snow on the ground, Saturday was an absolutely gorgeous day - felt like Spring is on the way.

It is early - think I'll go take a short walk. Do good.


“AN OLD MAN ON THE ST. JAMES WAY” recounts the pilgrimage across Northern Spain by this 75-year-old man. Author Linden Swift. Available locally at Uncommon Corner in downtown Plainfield, IN or Secondhand Stories on Raceway road. Also online:

It appears that in the last general election there were no Republican candidates in 39 districts scattered across 15 states. These positions offer much more than just good pay. Some of these districts are listed below in State, District and general location sequence. Please help find a Republican candidate in these districts.

Alabama 5 Huntsville – One Found?
Alabama 7 Birmingham

Florida 2 Tallahassee – One Found?
Florida 3 Jacksonville
Florida 17 North Miami
Florida 19 Boca Raton
Florida 20 Pembroke Pines
Florida 23 Fort Lauderdale – One Found?

In recent ratings, the Council for Citizens Against Government Waste Considered 32 of the present officeholders (democrats) to be hostile, 6 unfriendly, and 1 lukewarm to taxpayers. The National Taxpayers Union granted a grade of “F” to 36 of this group while 3 of them rose to a “D”.

Surely you believe that the liberal dominated news media is very, very selective in what “news” they will print or report. Have you noticed the absence of reporting about the improved situation in Iraq? There are, of course, other examples but Linden will assume that you can think. WHAT IF, you complained to the lackluster “news” provider and, if satisfaction is not obtained you then call those who advertise in that medium? Your message could be something like: “ I am disappointed that you choose to advertise in or on …. Who will not report…. Perhaps this approach would pay dividends in the form of less biased news coverage.
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