Thursday, January 15, 2009


This seems to be an odd title for a posting addressing global warming or cooling, as the case may be. Linden believes it to be appropriate.

There are few humans who have no desire to be somewhat popular. It is a popular now to believe that earth is in for a long period of man caused global warming. It is almost like a religion to the point that “news” sources refuse to report dissenting opinion or facts and those “scientists” who have decided that global cooling is a fact will remain nameless and unreported in the media.

Pride is as common as is the desire to be popular. Therefore, for those who may begin to question the accuracy of global warming proponents, pride keeps them silent. This is particularly true of those “scientists” who may benefit financially or professionally if they keep their doubts secret.

Power is the name of the game, politically speaking. To have the ability to reward huge voting blocs for toeing the line, to force manufacturers to produce a product for which there is no market, and to force generations to come to pay for this muddleheaded approach is a display of power, indeed.

The Indianapolis Star, in their weather section, lists the predicted temperatures for 84 U.S. cities. In the predictions for January 15, 60 of these 84 cities will have a temperature below freezing. Twelve cities will be at zero or below. Only 3 can be considered comfortably warm: Honolulu, Hawaii; San Juan, Puerto Rico; and St. Thomas, in The Virgin Islands.

Linden, caring not a whit for the three Ps, believes we are in a period of global cooling.
GENESIS 30:1 – 31:16
Jacob had sons and a daughter by Leah and Rachel and their two handmaidens. Laban tended to cheat Jacob so; Jacob prepared to return to the land of his father with his wives and possessions.

MATTHEW 10:1-24
JESUS sent the 12 disciples out to speak throughout the land.

PSALM 12:1-8
PROVERBS 3:13-15
Due to his desire to hibernate in cold weather, Linden has tended to stay close to the home fire the first 3 days of this week. On Wednesday, he had a Study Buddy session and a very good dinner at his church which was followed by a great study of the Book of Daniel.
Any of Linden’s six books or his first CD could be what you are looking for: They are inexpensive and not everybody has one.

The CD “Songs A Poor Old Police Department Retiree Might Write While Waiting For His Meager Pension Check” features Linden’s original compositions. The book subject matter ranges from political through poetry, baseball, prayer, cryptograms and Linden’s pilgrimage in Spain at age 75.

Plainfield area sales at Secondhand Stories in the strip mall at Raceway & Rockville roads. Online, go to addresses below and inquire on “Linden Swift”.

DONATIONS to support postings, are appreciated but not necessary, may be made to Linden Swift, Box 203, Plainfield, IN 46168

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