Monday, January 19, 2009



Thank you to my friend Katia, who was recently granted American citizenship, for suggesting that I touch upon this subject.

Please click on the 3 addresses following my posting to read the thoughts of a truly gifted writer. Now, to my posting.

The inauguration of 2001 was a time of great joy for Linden. He had not looked with favor on the Clinton Presidential years and the thought of Al Gore succeeding him was sickening, indeed.

In Linden’s most recent book, A SWIFT: NOT JONATHAN there is a piece entitled “Letter To Laura” of which a portion is:

“As a 71-year-old weeper, my eyes were not dry on your
inauguration day from the opening prayer delivered by
Franklin Graham until after your fine speech. As a
Republican activist who contributed modestly to your
election effort, who has met each of your parents and
hopes to meet you sometime, I want you to know that I
expect a great deal of you. I’m pleased with what I’ve seen
to date.
I recognize that you will probably not personally see this
note, but, perhaps, the gist of it will be conveyed to you.
May God’s blessing be granted to you and yours and may
you succeed in your efforts on behalf of our country.”

So, based on the above, you should know that Linden has an understanding of those hopes for a new President. It is also easy for him to understand that universal agreement does not exist when rating the relative abilities of those who are elected. For example, Linden believes that Obama will be an absolute disaster for America. Millions disagree. Linden hopes that they are right.

Linden has read that Obama has made over 500 promises regarding things he will cause to be accomplished. That is a lot of promises. Linden plans to write about some of them. He hopes the change we will see will be good for America.
Hating the Jews
Here's the Link:

Why George W. Bush Reminds Me of Abraham Lincoln
Here's the Link:

G. W. Bush, a President Worthy of the Office


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