Tuesday, September 18, 2012

SENATE RACE: Donnelly vs. Mourdock

Subject Of The Day
Mostly About Me
Blatant Self Promotion
SENATE RACE: Donnelly vs. Mourdock
Linden first met Richard Mourdock about ten years ago…was favorably impressed then and have remained so. He would be expected to bring a more conservative, taxpayer friendly approach to the Senate. We, as a nation, desperately need to do away with the democrat Senate control.
Donnelly has been attempting to change his image to that of a conservative: don’t be fooled! In Linden’s opinion, he is a virtual clone of President Obama and Senator Harry Reid.  The Club For Growth rated Donnelly at 9% out of a possible 100%, he ranked # 361 out of the 430 rated. The Citizens Against Government Waste ranked Donnelly at 13% out of a possible 100% and considers him to be hostile to taxpayers. The National Taxpayers Union rated him at 28% out of a possible 100% and gave him a grade of D. Conservative, taxpayer friendly? Hardly!
MOSTLY ABOUT ME       lswift8@aol.com
Monday started slowly with a breakfast of biscuits and gravy at Chick-fil-A. From there, I went on to a grocery and the post office. In the evening, I went to a meeting of the Camp Allendale support group…had a good dinner and attended a good meeting.
My book of the week “OUTSTANDING NATIONAL LEAGUE BASEBALL PITCHERS OF THE LAST 42 YEARS” was published in 1987 and is is my rating of older pitchers. On-line orders are processed by  http://www.augustinservices.com/   Lindenwould  authors offered are Robert Shelton, Edna Swift  Northerner, and  Linden Swift.

The song from my CD this week “GOLDEN YEARS” is a religious song  Listen at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SsBunXuA1tQ

Order my 13 song CD “Songs A Poor Old Police Department Retiree Might Write … While Waiting For His Meager Pension Check” by sending name, address, and your check for $8.00 to Linden Swift, Box 203, Plainfield, IN 46168


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