Thursday, January 30, 2014



Linden’s Legacy
Commentary: SOTU revisited
Mostly About Me


Go to and inquire on Linden Swift to view the 6 books he has on Amazon Kindle. Subjects include: a pilgrimage, short stories and more, a mission trip, recipes and more, religion, and a run for the Presidency. Most are priced at 99 cents.
Go to and inquire on Linden Swift to be exposed to any of the 13 songs he composed and sang. Guitar by Peter Smith. Or, you may choose to view Linden’s Presidential announcement. Sadly, he lost.


Those who read yesterday’s posting know that the subject was Linden’s suggestion for the SOTU speech. It was much better that the speech which was delivered. On Wednesday, Linden reviewed the comments made by some of those who actually watched the speech and read the transcript of the speech. The comments could be described as generally less than favorable and the transcript contained no less than75 (SEVENTY FIVE) references to the speech being interrupted by applause. Linden’s hope is that very, very few Republicans joined in with those democrats who were applauding. Perhaps you should see if you can find a copy of the speech being delivered, try to identify your representative(s) and attempt to have them replaced by a nut house resident. Can you imagine effectively saying that everything is just great but we still need to expand federal job training? Just a thought.
HEAT WAVE!!! Don’t think the temp got below zero overnight and it rose to over 20 degrees during the day. I made it to the store and post office in good shape and to church for dinner in the evening. Watched Butler win a basketball game.


The democrats brought you Obamacare: Get even.
Obama, Reid, and Pelosi lead the forces of evil.
Can a non-voter be a good Christian?
Hate crime laws should be overturned.
Baseline budgeting is a taxpayer insult.
Each member of Congress should reduce spending
By $3 billion. Result: no deficit spending.
Many Hoosier voters were fooled by Joe Donnelly


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