Friday, November 28, 2014



Linden’s Legacy: updated 11-17-14
Commentary: updated Mon. thru Fri.
Mostly About Me: updated Mon. thru Fri.
Remember: updated 11-17-14


My Bless A Stranger focus has been a low cost enjoyable crowdfunding effort. My first ten projects, all successfully funded, involved a music DVD, a race car, making a movie, Alaskan teens radio program, seats in a theater, a poet, a website, a writing residency, a third grade newspaper, and a poetry press. My most recent project has a few days to go and should provide me with a book. Access type “the hat maker’s hats” in the search projects area then click on the picture shown.
I hope that my most recent book SOWING SEEDS OF FAITH will result in at least one person coming closer to Jesus Christ. It touches upon a means you may use that could cause another, as well as yourself, to be blessed.
It is available in both print and Kindle versions through Amazon. Please tell me if you become aware that my hope is realized.

Check Linden Swift at to view his 3 print books and 7 Kindle E-books. Two of the print books each contain 3 of the Kindle books. Sowing Seeds of Faith is his most recent and is available both as a print book and as an E-book. Please check them out when looking for new reads or gifts.

Check Linden Swift at for music and more. I found that I could start the first song then scroll down and click on “linden swift” just above “subscribe” and click on the #13 song and the entire CD will play in reverse order.
When Linden first viewed the video linked below he was unaware of Charles R. Patrick. The advice this younger black man gives is something each of us can apply to our own life whether we are black, white, green or yellow. If you watch the video, you will probably agree.
I have much to be thankful for every day: Thanksgiving Day was no exception. It started with what has become a tradition: I met Sam and Shirley and the others they treated at the former Officer’s Club at Fort Harrison for a great brunch. There were twelve of us in all. As always, it was very enjoyable. After I arrived back home, Julie and Jade came by for a visit. We talked and played and Brian called to talk to the three of us. I received several other messages: a completely good day for me!


The democrats brought you Obamacare.
Obama, Reid, and Pelosi lead the forces of evil.
Hate crime laws should be overturned.
Baseline budgeting is a taxpayer insult.
Each member of Congress should reduce spending By $1 billion. Result: no deficit spending.
Many Hoosier voters were fooled by Joe Donnelly.
The uninformed or uncaring support Hillary.
Make no lame duck session mistakes!!!
Budget mistake #1 long term budget continuing resolutions


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