Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Monday, while Linden was listening to Rush Limbaugh, he heard what he believes to be the best approach yet to one of our several national problems. This is not surprising since it may well be that Rush is smarter than many of our national leaders as well as being the best source of news.

Based upon Linden’s memory, the following was said or alluded to: Since there is much political pressure to throw another TRILLION dollars at one problem, why not adopt this bipartisan approach? Roughly 53% of the voters were for Obama and 46% for McCain, with 1% going to various nut cases – give that 1% to Obama to equal a 54 – 46 split.

Allow the democrats and their loony accomplices 540 billion dollars to pursue their “plan” and devote 460 billion dollars to tax cuts – mostly corporate and capital gains. At the end of a period, evaluate the two approaches. Almost (except for the 540 billion part) all of this makes sense. Linden’s money would be on the tax cut approach. Good idea, Rush!
EXODUS 4:1 – 5:21
GOD grants power to Moses and has he and Aaron to go to Egypt to secure the freedom of the Israelites. It does not go well and Pharaoh causes the workload to be increased and the workers to be beaten.

MATTHEW 18:1-20
JESUS cautions the disciples to care of little children, tells the parable of the lost sheep and how to resolve differences.

PSALM 22:19-31
PROVERBS 5:15-21
Had a long benevolence meeting Monday and did nothing else of much importance. Tuesday, it snowed like crazy so was outside the house very little. Looked at the converter box I have for the TV but decided to not try to hook it up myself – at least for now. Made many church related telephone calls: Attempting to identify those veterans who served during WW II or the Korean War. Probably have another 35 or 40 calls to make.
Please share my hope that my book sales will enable me to purchase two goats for some less fortunate that most of us.
Please click on the link below to find an article well worth reading.

Of the 85 U.S. cities listed in the Indianapolis Star weather section, 49 are expected to have a low temperature of less that freezing today. Of these, 25 are expected to have a high temperature of less than freezing. Many of the activities in Indiana are delayed or cancelled today due to heavy snowfall.


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