Friday, July 1, 2011



Subjects of the day – Wednesday, Bible review
Linden’s Life
Other Stuff
Your Comments
On Tuesday, Linden started his posting with these words, “Thanks to a recent THE WEEKLY STANDARD editorial writing, Linden became reacquainted with a speech Reagan made in 1980:” today, we continue with that series.
“I’ll tell you where I stand. I do not favor a peacetime draft or registration, but I do favor pay and benefit level that will attract and keep highly motivated men and women in our volunteer forces and an active reserve trained and ready for an instant call in case of an emergency.
There may be a sailor at the helm of the ship of state, but the ship has no rudder. Critical decisions are made at times almost in comic fashion, but who can laugh? Who was not embarrassed when the administration handed a major propaganda victory in the United Nations to the enemies of Israel, our staunch Middle East ally?…
Who does not feel a growing sense of unease as our allies, facing repeated instances of an amateurish and confused administration, reluctantly conclude that America is unwilling or unable to fulfill its obligations as the leader of the free world?
Who does not feel rising alarm when the question in any discussion of American foreign policy is no longer, ‘should we do something?’ but ‘do we have the capacity to do anything?’”
These questions of just over thirty years ago are quite fitting at this time in our nation’s history!
Link to Iglesias & Nelson singing 1984 song:
On Thursday, had breakfast with Jack and Paul…Bill and Chuck were absent. I picked up my mail, did a load of wash, and talked to the lovely Laura about a change in my blog layout I may wish to make in the future. The rest of the day was occupied with reading, writing, doing paperwork and other like matters.
Primary JUNE donation focus: local charity plus Johnson Bible College
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