Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Last Tuesday, Linden started his posting with these words, “Thanks to a recent THE WEEKLY STANDARD editorial writing, Linden became reacquainted with a speech Reagan made in 1980:” today, we continue with that still relevant series.
“The administration which has brought us to this state is seeking your endorsement for four more years of weakness, indecision, mediocrity, and incompetence. No American should vote until he or she has asked, is the United States stronger and more respected now than it was three-and-a-half years ago? Is the world today a safer place in which to live?
We are not a warlike people. Quite the opposite. We always seek to live in peace. We resort to force infrequently and with great reluctance-and only after we have determined that it is absolutely necessary…but neither can we be naïve or foolish… We know only too well that war comes not when the forces of freedom are strong, but when they are weak. It is then that tyrants are tempted.
Let our friends and those who may wish us ill take note: The United States has an obligation to its citizens and to the people of the world never to let those who would destroy freedom dictate the future course of human life on this planet. I would regard my election as proof  that we have renewed our resolve to preserve world peace and freedom. This nation will once again be strong enough to do that…
Link to a look at Sarah Palin:
Link to a good question:
Link to Segovia on the guitar:
Monday: attempted to get a handle on my small group of projects and failed miserably. Didn’t go outside all day. Bill Strafford called in the late afternoon to see if I wanted to go to an Indians game and catch the fireworks…he needed to leave quickly so I had to decline.
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