Friday, September 9, 2011


Granted, Linden did not expect to be enthralled with this speech…he wasn’t. It was even worse than he anticipated. First, the President started off with a recitation of obvious facts which could have easily been presented by a high school freshman. Worse was the bursts of light applause which were completely unexplainable. Really dumb!
He called for business tax cuts which can be a good move. Called for returning teachers back to work and extending unemployment insurance: both need specifics. Called for a $4,000.00 tax credit for hiring. This, of course, does not come close to covering the cost of making a new hire. He also mentioned a tax increase and that he would provide more info later. Congress better read any related bill.
Link to a good Palin related article:
Link to taxpayer investment in green jobs:
Link to a hit song from 1922:
Thursday I met with the guys for our usual Thursday breakfast, went over some poetry at church with Tyler at 9:30, at 11:30 was back at church for our Golden Glows pitch-in luncheon…Mark Proctor presented an interesting program. Back home, Brian had left me a phone message and I exchanged E-mails with Julie. 
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