Wednesday, August 31, 2011

MATTHEW 22:1 - 22:46

Jesus, in a parable, told of a king who had prepared a wedding feast for the invited guests (the Jewish leaders) and the guests did not come to the feast. So, the king had his servants invite the common people from on the streets. One of those who came was not properly prepared and was thrown out: “For many are invited, but few are chosen.”
The Pharisees and Sadducees attempted to trap Jesus into making a verbal mistake: they failed. He instructed them on the greatest commandments and other matters to the point that they had no more questions.
Link to a great hymn:
On Tuesday, I dropped off my recyclables as I was on the way to the post office. Later, I made great progress on one of my projects and even touched a bit on projects two and three. Heard from Brian and Julie.
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