Wednesday, August 24, 2011

MATTHEW 21:1 - 46

When Jesus entered Jerusalem as prophesied, a very large crowd honored him as he rode. After entering the city, he drove those who were buying and selling out of the temple and also healed those who were blind and lame. He then went out of the city to spend the night.
On the way back into the city the next day, he used a fig tree as an example of faith. The chief priests and the Pharisees questioned Jesus and he told them two parables: the second suggested that since the Jews were rejecting Jesus, he would be offered to others. They were not happy with his answers.
Link to a great religious song:
I dropped off my recyclables, went to the post office, and back by the church. Paul came by for me and we had lunch at Steak and Shake: I got caught up regarding Chuck’s funeral and he (Paul) on the meeting with Richard Mourdock. I remembered that I had neglected to say in my Tuesday blog posting that I understood Mr. Mourdock to say that he favored the use of a consumption tax to equalize the tax burden. I also favor that means. Later, at home, I addressed a couple of things that I had been neglecting. More effort remains.
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