Thursday, August 11, 2011


The democrats spent money like crazy in their effort to regain control of the Wisconsin Senate…mostly to no avail. They had filed recall petitions against six Republican State Senators and were successful in only two instances…neither loss was a surprise. Next Tuesday the Republicans will have their chance to unseat two democrats…regardless, the Republicans will retain control of the Senate there. Considering the actions of democrats when they abandoned their responsibility to be in attendance at their most recent legislative session, Linden finds it somewhat disheartening that the democrats would find any support in Wisconsin.
Linden recommends the following links:
Link to evidence of Sarah Palin’s ability to think:
Link to an awakening experience:
Link to a horse training exhibition: H/T Ray
Link to a great once popular song:
Wednesday brought me a lost opportunity and I feel badly about it: while waiting for my breakfast order at Chick-fil-A a young girl came in and asked for an employment application. I spoke to her and asked how she was doing…she said that she was tired, had rode her bicycle 22 miles from Amo and had been looking for a job…said she had to have work. She had a broken ankle. After she left on her bicycle I realized that I should have asked if she had eaten and bought her food if the answer was no. I wish I had done more than merely being pleasant.
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