Monday, October 3, 2011


The two links immediately below provide examples of the failure of our employees to properly manage the funds they are entrusted with. The DOE learned nothing from the half-billion dollar failure that was recently reported and approved more guaranteed loans for those involved in the solar industry. They do this year end waste in order to provided the appearance of needing the current funding (or more) in order to continue their feckless operation. If they were truly serving the taxpayer they would abandon the “green” energy focus and start encouraging the drilling for oil. The DOE needs to be eliminated.
The second link is associated with the first and very well illustrates the result of the government and the media collaborating in an effort to sell the public on an effort to waste money. It is no wonder that the federal budget is out of balance!
Link to more DOE waste reported:
Link to global warming fuzzy thinking critique:
Link to Emmy Lou Harris singing:
Friday: Men’s Prayer Breakfast at 6:00. While there, Lloyd showed me an article that reminded me of my pilgrimage in Spain six years ago…it brought back memories. Bob made a copy of it for me. Dan dropped by for coffee later in the day.
Saturday: Jim and Lloyd picked me up at 7:00 and we went to a breakfast meeting at Chapel Rock Christian Church. Afterward, I returned the Ireland books I had borrowed from Lloyd, saw a great book Marsha had created about a trip to Ireland and brought some of Lloyds clothing back home to see if I can use some of it. Talked to Brian and Katia sent me links to a couple of interesting Bulgarian songs.
Sunday: I went to church and Sunday school and back home to snack all day while reading the paper, taking a nap, listening to Irish and German music on radio shows and my Tish Hinojosa CD. Later, watched a good movie and it was close to bedtime.
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