Friday, September 23, 2011


It seems to Linden like it has only been a few short weeks since there was much to-do about the need for special action to avert the shutdown of government “services” until at least some time in 2012. Happy thought!
Now, it seems like another ugly financial problem has surfaced which again threatens a shutdown. This is a continuing evidence of the failure of those elected to do their jobs.
It is unlikely that those most responsible will ever voluntarily accept blame for their pitiful performance. So, it is the duty of voters to attempt to do so. On more than one occasion Linden has heard that there has been no success in this area in well over 800 days. This probably means that it goes back to when the democrats won control of both legislative bodies in 2006. Can you think of a single good reason to vote for a democrat?
Link to a Herman Cain interview:
Link to a death penalty related article:
Link to a hit song from 1920:
Thursday brought our usual laugh filled breakfast meeting…what a great way to start a day! The rest of the day was routine. I am now engaged in trying to bring some sense of order into the stacks of paper I have. There are stacks, sometimes intermingled, that are concerned with each of my activities and interests in recent years. This will be a long drawn out effort.
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