Friday, September 16, 2011


The various news sources have been focusing more than is normal for them to do when it makes the democrats appear to be less than desirable on the state of affairs in the ongoing diversion of taxpayer money to “green” projects.
The bankruptcy filing by Solyndra which very well may cost we taxpayers over a half billion hard earned dollars has been the primary story in this area. Both Obama and the Vice President were just exuberant in their praise for this company at an earlier time…not that long ago. Particularly suspicious is the number and amount of donations to the Obama campaign. Could he be bought?
Link to a solar energy taxpayer scam story:
Link to wife/husband diary joke: H/T Brian
Link to a hit song from 1921:
On Thursday I had breakfast with the usual group, Wayne has recently joined us but I think he may be absent for a while. I puttered around the house, did a load of wash, and, since my current projects are in the wait mode, I waited too. I’m very good at that. The music piece I linked to above is one that was part of Julie’s program when she was in Junior Miss competition during her high school years.
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