Monday, July 23, 2012


Subject Of The Day
Mostly About Me
Blatant Self Promotion
President Obama’s recent anti business campaign stop in Roanoke, Virginia apparently opened the eyes of several of those slow learners who thought that reporting his imperfections was a form of racial bigotry. It is past time that those news outlets who endorsed his candidacy in 2008 be held responsible for their lack of sound judgment and for their refusal to properly vet a candidate. They should very publicly apologize. The following links to two articles are perhaps the best Linden has read on the general subject.
Recent article:
December 2008 article:
Sunday, August 5, 2012 is the date of the 7th annual Plainfield Christian Church free (donations will be accepted to benefit the bands) bluegrass music and southern gospel concert. Music will start shortly before 3:00 p.m. and end at 5:00. Featured bands are: that of 10-year-old Kyle Ramey, The Gospel Servants quartet, and The Birch Creek Bluegrass Band.

Here is a bluegrass gospel song, #11 of those selected for you:

Friday brought the usual early morning men’s prayer breakfast and the usual all day dead-headed feelings.
Saturday started with a very good men’s meeting at Kingsway…one of the Bible related comments was, “this book will keep you from sin and sin will keep you from this book.  A writers group meeting followed at 10:00.
Sunday brought good church and Sunday school sessions and a concert related meeting.
Here is a link to a really good dance related video:
My book of the week “WHY NOT RUN FOR PRESIDENT???” is concerned with my January 2012 run for the presidency in New Hampshire. . On-line orders are processed by   Lindenwould  authors offered are Robert Shelton, Edna Swift  Northerner, and  Linden Swift.

My song of the week “DON’T CRY LITTLE SISTER” is a school busing protest song. The picture shown while it plays is of me and my youngest granddaughter. Listen at

Order my 13 song CD “Songs A Poor Old Police Department Retiree Might Write … While Waiting For His Meager Pension Check” by sending name, address, and your check for $8.00 to Linden Swift, Box 203, Plainfield, IN 46168


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