Friday, April 3, 2015



Linden’s Legacy: updated 3-24-15
Commentary: updated Mon. thru Fri.
Mostly About Me: updated Mon. thru Fri.
Remember: updated 3-25-15

Linden’s Legacy:

My most recent Bless A Stranger effort, #16 in the series, can be found at

My still active #15 project can be found at

St. Patrick’s Day brought additional support for my personal “Ireland Is Calling” planned September visit. Now, if my cost estimate is correct, it has been expanded from the originally planned 10 days to 15 days. My friends are a continuing blessing to me. 

Check Linden Swift at to view his 3 print books and 7 Kindle E-books. Two of the print books each contain 3 of the Kindle books. Sowing Seeds of Faith is his most recent and is available both as a print book and as an E-book. Please check them out when looking for new reads or gifts.

Check Linden Swift at for music and more.
I missed two of the church services Steve White led the three I did attend. They were mostly based on the messages of John. I missed one of the Sunday School lessons. John Lee led the four I did attend in a study of Revelations. Also missed one Wednesday night attendance. Tim Gephart led the four studies I did attend in reviewing the names of GOD. Steve White and Bill Furman led the Friday morning sessions in studies of the fruits of the spirit. I also attended breakfast meeting at Kingsway and Chapel Rock Christian Churches and a CDCMF meeting at Franklin Memorial CC. A former minister of PCC, Josh Cadwell is now the senior minister there and he gave the presentation. Saw his wife, Becky, too.

Bill, Chuck, Wayne, and I attended our Thursday breakfast meeting. I gave the prayer and the reading. I picked up my mail and went over to help Marsha move but she had better help so I didn’t stay too long.


The democrats brought you Obamacare.
Obama, Reid, and Pelosi lead the forces of evil.
Hate crime laws should be overturned.
Baseline budgeting is a taxpayer insult.


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