Linden’s Legacy: updated
11-8-16 NEW
Commentary: updated Mon.
thru Fri.
Mostly About Me: updated Mon. thru Fri.
Mostly About Me: updated Mon. thru Fri.
Song Of The Day: updated
Mon. thru Fri.
Remember: updated 9-5-16
Linden’s Legacy:
Link to my Bless A Stranger Project #32 (Children's Book):https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/2139454753/the-inn-at-the-edge-of-the-world?ref=category
To date 25 of the projects I have backed were successfully funded and 6 failed to meet their goal and received no funding.
Check Linden Swift at amazon.com to view his 4 print books and 7 Kindle E-books. Two of the print books each contain 3 of the Kindle books. Ireland was Calling is his most recent and is now available only as a print book.. Please check them out when looking for new reads or gifts.
COMMENTARY:I'M THANKFUL:For many things: my religious faith in Jesus Christ and the bolstering I get from my church and various related activities, for living in America, for Brian and Julie and other family, for good friends, for sufficiency, and for having enough to do in my declining years.
MOSTLY ABOUT ME lswift8@aol.com
Wednesday started with going out for breakfast then on to a store and the post office. For lunch I went to the Danville Legion Post with Rich for a tenderloin. Back home I did a load of wash, some odd jobs, and had the world's greatest nap.
Mac Wiseman is the featured artist this week.
Song of the
day:Sing Me Back Home:
The democrats brought you
Obama, Clinton, Reid, and
Pelosi lead the forces of evil.
Hate crime laws should be
Baseline budgeting is a
taxpayer insult.
Hillary Clinton's actions
risked our national security.
Your life is affected by
politics every day.
Only you can think for
you: do it and vote.
SCOTUS: undeserving of respect.
Your political party is
not more important than your country!
Obama re ordinary people
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