January 26 was a really sad day. On this day, by a vote of 60 to 34 tax cheat Timothy F. Geithner was confirmed as Secretary of the Treasury.
Of the 60 voting to confirm him, 50 were democrats. Now, it is never a surprise when the democrats confirm their low standards but it is both surprising and disappointing that 10 republicans would join them.
Of the 34 voting against him, 30 were stalwart Republicans, 3 were democrats and 1 was a socialist claiming to be independent. It would be so nice if the latter 4 were becoming straight thinkers but it is probably not to be.
Perhaps our attention should be focused on the 10 republicans who voted to confirm. It is no secret that several republicans over the years have abandoned any pretense of conservatism. Some in this list of 10 are a distinct and very disappointing surprise. The 10 are:
Corker (R-TN) Cornyn (R-TX) Crapo (R-ID) Ensign (R-NV) Graham (R-SC) Gregg (R-NH) Hatch (R-UT)
Shelby (R-AL) Snowe (R-ME) Voinovich (R-OH)
It is time that we Conservative Republicans start thinking about ensuring that those republicans who disappoint us are opposed in the next primary election. This is not to say that these 10 should be opposed but, they should certainly be on the list of those who bear watching.
EXODUS 5:22 – 7:25
Moses asked GOD why he had brought trouble to the Israelites. GOD told him to tell the Israelites that they would be released from bondage. Pharaoh would not grant the request of Moses and Aaron so, through them, GOD changed all the water to blood.
MATTHEW 18:21 – 19:12
JESUS tells the disciples a forgiveness parable and the Pharisees and disciples a parable concerned with adultery.
PSALM 23:1-6
PROVERBS 5:22-23
The snow was so deep that it was over my boots as I made the long walk to see if my morning paper had arrived. If it had, it was covered by the snow. It was very tiring to walk through snow that deep. Sometime during the day, I finished my effort to identify veterans of WW II and Korea that are members of our church. Nothing else of much significance. Hope to get out of this snowbound residence tomorrow. Click on the following link to find a worthwhile read.
Of the 60 voting to confirm him, 50 were democrats. Now, it is never a surprise when the democrats confirm their low standards but it is both surprising and disappointing that 10 republicans would join them.
Of the 34 voting against him, 30 were stalwart Republicans, 3 were democrats and 1 was a socialist claiming to be independent. It would be so nice if the latter 4 were becoming straight thinkers but it is probably not to be.
Perhaps our attention should be focused on the 10 republicans who voted to confirm. It is no secret that several republicans over the years have abandoned any pretense of conservatism. Some in this list of 10 are a distinct and very disappointing surprise. The 10 are:
Corker (R-TN) Cornyn (R-TX) Crapo (R-ID) Ensign (R-NV) Graham (R-SC) Gregg (R-NH) Hatch (R-UT)
Shelby (R-AL) Snowe (R-ME) Voinovich (R-OH)
It is time that we Conservative Republicans start thinking about ensuring that those republicans who disappoint us are opposed in the next primary election. This is not to say that these 10 should be opposed but, they should certainly be on the list of those who bear watching.
EXODUS 5:22 – 7:25
Moses asked GOD why he had brought trouble to the Israelites. GOD told him to tell the Israelites that they would be released from bondage. Pharaoh would not grant the request of Moses and Aaron so, through them, GOD changed all the water to blood.
MATTHEW 18:21 – 19:12
JESUS tells the disciples a forgiveness parable and the Pharisees and disciples a parable concerned with adultery.
PSALM 23:1-6
PROVERBS 5:22-23
The snow was so deep that it was over my boots as I made the long walk to see if my morning paper had arrived. If it had, it was covered by the snow. It was very tiring to walk through snow that deep. Sometime during the day, I finished my effort to identify veterans of WW II and Korea that are members of our church. Nothing else of much significance. Hope to get out of this snowbound residence tomorrow. Click on the following link to find a worthwhile read.
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