Wednesday, April 8, 2009


For quite some time Linden has intended to do a voting analysis of those who call themselves “Blue Dog Democrats.” These are the democrats who attempt to present the image of themselves as being fiscally conservative.

A better study and analysis than Linden would have performed has been performed. In it, 9 votes were studied to ascertain the degree of difference between the members of this group and Barney Frank and one other liberal House member.

Considering only the Indiana “Blue Dogs,” Baron Hill agreed with Frank on all but one vote. Joe Donnelly and Brad Ellsworth agreed with Frank on all except three votes. Some fiscal conservatives! Even more sad is the fact that the other Indiana democrats do not even bother to pose as “Blue Dogs.” Perhaps some other name should replace “Blue.” Click on the link below to read the report.
Met three other guys for early coffee. Went to grocery, insurance office, gas station and post office. Did some writing. Brian called to say that it was snowing so hard in N.E. Ohio where he lives that it was difficult to drive. Heard from a couple of veterans regarding our upcoming recognition effort.
See Brian’s comment above. Of the 85 reporting cities, 34 expected temperatures to fall to freezing or below today.
Linden’s book “BIBLE BASED PUZZLES” ($4.00) is a collection of 78 cryptograms, one or more selected from each book of the Bible. Answers are provided if you should become stumped.

The book “LETTERS TO GOD” ($4.00) is a collection of 53 real prayers written to address the needs of real people. After being written, they were kept in a Bible for about five years before being published. How these prayers were answered also appears, if known.

Now that Linden’s 2009 sales have financed two goats for some of the needy in the world, his next goal is to fund the purchase of a water buffalo. Order at:
In “Store Search” use “Linden” for books, “police dept” for CD.
Use “Linden” to search in both book and music sections.
Deuteronomy 31:1 – 32:27
Joshua to replace Moses as leader of Israel. Moses commands reading of the law. Israel’s rebellion is predicted. Part of the Song of Moses.

LUKE 12:8-34
The parable of the rich fool. Do not worry.

PSALM 78:32-55
PROVERBS 1221-23
Linden loves to receive comments from his readers but you should be aware that only those sent to are received by him: No message will be forwarded if you click on “comments” below.


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