Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Mark Steyn, hosting the Rush Limbaugh show, mentioned that the budget plans of President Obama for the next five years will result in a doubling of the deficit which has accumulated at different rates, driven by the actions (or inactions) of our first 43 Congress and President combinations over a period of more than 200 years.

Linden has heard or read this proposition before but it was while listening to a 13-year-old black girl caller to the show as she expressed her general approval of Obama’s actions to date that Linden decided to post on this subject.

Parents of those mostly younger than 30 blind followers of the Obama cult should, if they are competent, attempt to instruct the children regarding the reality of governmental deficit spending. Learn to say, “Honey, most of this spending by Congress and the President will be repaid, slowly, by you, your children and their children’s children. You are likely to be dirt poor all the days of your life.”
Light rain and spitting snow in Plainfield on Monday: Not nearly as winterlike as it is a little further North. Hard to believe it is April. Of the 85 cities listed in the weather section of the paper, 37 had temperatures expected to be at or below freezing.
Finished off the bag of pistachios I’ve been working on. No salmonella, as yet. While upstairs doing some ironing, I listened to some records I had not played for a long time.
Linden’s CD “SONGS A POOR OLD POLICE DEPARTMENT RETIREE MIGHT WRITE … WHILE WAITING FOR HIS MEAGER PENSION CHECK” ($8.95) is a collection of 13 songs written and sung by Linden.

The book “OUTSTANDING NATIONAL LEAGUE BASEBALL PITCHERS OF THE LAST 42 YEARS” ($3.00) outlines Linden’s rating of those pitchers in the years 1946 through 1987.

Now that Linden’s 2009 sales have financed two goats for some of the needy in the world, his next goal is to fund the purchase of a water buffalo. Order at:
In “Store Search” use “Linden” for books, “police dept” for CD.
Use “Linden” to search in both book and music sections.
DEUTERONOMY 29:1 – 30:20
Renewal of the covenant. Obedience brings prosperity.

LUKE 11:37 –12:7
Woes to the Pharisees, teachers and leaders. JESUS warns and encourages the disciples.

PSALM 78:1-31
PROVERBS 12:19-20
Linden loves to receive comments from his readers but you should be aware that only those sent to LWDcomment@aol.com are received by him: No message will be forwarded if you click on “comments” below.


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