Tuesday, March 24, 2009


On December 12 and 19, 2008, Linden’s postings were entitled “EXECUTIVE EXPERIENCE POLLS.” The purpose of these polls was to determine when those polled believed President-elect Obama would equal Governor Sarah Palin in the area of executive experience. Following is some of the wording contained in those postings.

”Although it was not widely covered by the ever-vigilant MSM, a high percentage of thinking voters in our last Presidential election believed that Governor Sarah Palin possessed more executive experience than the other three candidates combined. Linden is part of the group that believes this to be true.

Just as it is reasonable to assume that a Governor acquires executive experience more rapidly that a community organizer, it may be assumed that a President acquires this experience more rapidly than a Governor.

If all of the above is true, then, at some point, President-to-be Obama will on some date possess as much executive experience as Governor Sarah Palin had on November 4, 2008. The object of this poll is to determine when this date may be.

Basic rules: You are encouraged to submit the date you believe this event will occur. The date you submit may be no earlier than January 20, 2009 and, as a Christmas gift to then President Obama, may be no later than December 31, 2009. Dates submitted which do not fall within these requirements will be adjusted. It is anticipated that there will be a weekly report and, since, depending on your view of Obama’s progress, your opinion may change, you are encouraged to submit a weekly entry. Respond to LWDcomment@aol.com

Perhaps because of the possibly negative attention brought to Obama as a result of the latest Chicago scandal, those polled now believe he will equal the amount of executive experience Governor Palin had on election day on November 6, 2009. This is a downgrade of 15 days in the week since the first poll was published.”
The earliest date given as to when Obama might reach parity was March 10, 2009. In the days since those polls, it became apparent that there is a difference between experience and effective use of that experience. At this point, it appears that President Obama will never match Governor Palin in the effective use of executive power so there is no point in continuing with this poll.
Was weak again today so stayed inside except for a quick trip to the grocery and post office. Brian called and we had a good visit. Julie sent me an email and directed me to a video of Jade. This is it: jadehobby
Linden’s book “AN OLD MAN ON THE ST. JAMES WAY” ($6.95) addresses Linden’s thoughts and activities when, as a 75 year old, he crosses Northern Spain on the ancient pilgrimage trail.

“BOUT FIRTEEN COUNTRY CHILDERN RIMES” ($3.00) reminiscent of James Whitcomb Riley, these 20 poems with illustrations address the lives of four-year-old twins. It is written as they may speak.

Now that Linden’s 2009 sales have financed two goats for some of the needy in the world, his next goal is to fund the purchase of a water buffalo. Order at:
Inheritance of daughters defined. Moses recounts prior experiences.

LUKE 5:29 – 6:11
JESUS is questioned by the Pharisees.

PSALM 66:1-20
PROVERBS 11:24-26
Linden loves to receive comments from his readers but you should be aware that only those sent to LWDcomment@aol.com are received by him: No message will be forwarded if you click on “comments” below.


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