Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Monday was just busy enough that Linden had little opportunity to consider what the posting for today should consist of. It just may be that the opportunity was actually there and he, once again, failed to properly utilize his time. So, today’s posting will consist almost entirely of items of interest he heard on either the Laura Ingraham or Rush Limbaugh radio shows.

The disgraceful treatment of the British Prime Minister by President Obama was covered. Surely this was not the change you wanted.

Mention was made of President Obama causing a major traffic snarl in Washington, D.C. so he could attend a parent/teacher conference. Some would say that it serves them right because they vote so heavily for the democrats. Linden sees it as a personal lack of consideration displayed by our President.

President Obama approved spending of taxpayer money (our money) for embryonic stem cell research. Unnecessary and ill advised.

Some lawmakers in the State of Connecticut are making an attempt to interfere with the operation of the Catholic church. Once again, some would say that it serves them right because they vote so heavily for the democrats. Linden sees it as an unwarranted and surely unlawful intrusion.

Slight mention was made of the Hillary goof-up while attempting to perform her function with a Russian leader. What did you expect?

A radio news blurb mentioned that some Chinese ships harassed a U.S. naval vessel. Somehow, Linden feels less secure than he did just a few short months ago. Poorer too!
NUMBERS 11:24 – 13:33
The LORD caused an abundance of quail to be available to the Israelites: Some continued to complain and were struck down. Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses and, as a result, she was made leprous and remained so for only seven days because Moses asked The LORD to heal her. Moses sends representatives to explore Canaan and they returned with differing reports.
MARK 14:22-52
JESUS is betrayed and arrested. His disciples flee.

PSALM 52:1-9
Linden’s book “A SWIFT: NOT JONATHAN” ($6.95) is a collection of short stories or essays, song lyrics, poetry and a Christian play.

‘MIND OVER FATTER” ($3.00) presents the theory of vicarious exercise and other “different” thoughts.

Linden hopes his always modest sales will finance the purchase of two goats for the needy somewhere in the world. Order at:



Did some running around mostly concerned with the “two goats” project. Did a load of wash and exchanged some emails and phone calls. It doesn’t appear so, but it was a busy day.
Linden loves to receive comments from his readers but you should be aware that only those sent to LWDcomment@aol.com are received by him.


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