Thursday, March 5, 2009


Linden believes that it is late in the game to be placing blame for just a few of the governmental inefficiencies: But, better late than never. Perhaps if proper careful consideration is given, change will result. Following are a few of the questions that need to be asked on a continuing basis. Correct answers will follow the end of the questions.

1. Where should blame be placed for the miserable condition of our tax and tax reporting system?

2. Where should blame be placed for the problems associated with the various bailouts?

3. For excessive spending?

4. For the ill conceived stimulus package?

5. For the worldwide financial crisis?

6. For the illegal immigration problem?

The correct answer for all six questions is The U.S. Congress. Of course the office of the presidency often concurs with their poor decisions. We need to identify the “public servants” who are worth keeping and get rid of the rest. An interesting history is available if you will click on the following address.

NUMBERS 2:1 – 3:51
The arrangement of the tribal camps. The LORD, through Moses, addresses the Levites.

MARK 11:27 – 12:17
The authority of JESUS is questioned by the leaders and HE speaks to them in parables.

PSALM 47:1-9
PROVERBS 10:24-25
Linden’s book “AN OLD MAN ON THE ST. JAMES WAY” ($6.95) addresses Linden’s thoughts and activities when, as a 75 year old, he crosses Northern Spain on the ancient pilgrimage trail.

“BOUT FIRTEEN COUNTRY CHILDERN RIMES” ($3.00) reminiscent of James Whitcomb Riley, these 20 poems with illustrations address the lives of four-year-old twins. It is written as they may speak.

Linden hopes his always modest sales will finance the purchase of two goats for the needy somewhere in the world. Order at:

Had the usual Study Buddy session at 9:00 and met Sam for breakfast at 10:00. After breakfast, he came to my place and got my taxes in order. In the evening, had dinner at church and a program followed. Saw Carol there and she gave me a present that had been sent back from Austria: Candy! I love candy!
Linden loves to receive comments from his readers but you should be aware that only those sent to are received by him.


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