Thursday, February 19, 2009


Linden willingly admits that he has some reservations about our current President. Linden believes that the “stimulus” type bills are little more than massive theft from those who are considered to be achievers. Obama apparently does not agree! Linden believes that weakening our national security is foolish, at best. Obama appears to not agree! Linden believes that baby killers and those who support them are likely to spend eternity in a very warm place. Obama must not agree!

Linden is well aware that his writings do not compare favorably with those of Kyle-Anne Shiver. But, he is no less sincere. See:

All of that said, it is remotely possible that Linden and Obama do share a disdain of the greenies: How else would if be possible for him to make recent unneeded flights to Illinois, Colorado and Arizona??
LEVITICUS 6:1 – 7:27
Further instructions from the LORD regarding offerings.

MARK 3:7-30
JESUS heals many, names the 12 disciples (apostles,) counseled the teachers of the law and said, “whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; he is guilty of an eternal sin.”

PSALM 37:1-11

Linden’s book “BIBLE BASED PUZZLES” ($4.00) is a collection of 78 cryptograms, one or more selected from each book of the Bible. Answers are provided if you should become stumped.

The book “LETTERS TO GOD” ($4.00) is a collection of 53 real prayers written to address the needs of real people. After being written, they were kept in a Bible for about five years before being published. How these prayers were answered also appears, if known.

Linden hopes his always modest sales will finance the purchase of two goats for the needy somewhere in the world. Order at:

Was in a meeting at Pier 14 and received a call checking to see if I was ok: I had missed my Study Buddy session! I felt terrible but really appreciated them caring enough to check. Living alone, there is always the possibility that I had fallen or something like that and needed help. I have been so busy lately that I must not be thinking as I should. Had dinner, evening program and a meeting at my church.
Linden loves to receive comments from his readers but you should be aware that only those sent to are received by him.


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