Friday, February 13, 2009


First, Linden should explain why he failed to make his usual posting yesterday: For some unknown reason, the computer absolutely failed to cooperate in a timely manner and since the schedule for the day was rather tight, it just didn’t get done. Sorry.

Now, to the subject: It may surprise you to learn that in some instances, Linden is not the most patient person in the world. This most often is noticeable when he is dealing with technology. His temper became short on Tuesday when he was attempting to see the screen on his cell phone while attempting to converse with a person who was a little hard to understand. He became so obnoxious that he had to apologize to the customer service agent.

Linden’s patience was also somewhat short when he was listening to a recording of a couple of people who were speaking to President Obama. They seemed to think that their personal life was the responsibility of the government and nothing much was required of themselves. Uggggh.

Patience also comes into play when it is noted again and again that our new Treasury Secretary bombed in his “this is how we fix everything” presentation. How many times was it said that no other person could possibly do the job he stepped into and perhaps for no other reason we should overlook his disgraceful approach to paying taxes. Patience with the media is gone.
EXODUS 32:1 – 33:23
Answering the call of the people, Aaron makes a golden calf to worship: GOD and Moses are angry. Moses breaks the tablets inscribed by GOD and 3,000 Israelites are killed.

MATTHEW 26:69 – 27-14
As JESUS had said, Peter denies knowing JESUS three times. Judas hanged himself and JESUS would not answer questions.

PSALMS 33:1-11
PROVERBS 8:33-36

EXODUS 34:1 – 35:9
God re-inscribed the Ten Commandments on two stone tablets and Moses took them down to the Israelites. GOD provided further instruction for them.

MATTHEW 27:15-31
The crowd chose to have Barabbas released and for JESUS to be crucified. JESUS is beaten, mocked and tortured.

PSALMS 33:12-22
Linden’s book “BIBLE BASED PUZZLES” ($4.00) is a collection of 78 cryptograms, one or more selected from each book of the Bible. Answers are provided if you should become stumped.

The book “LETTERS TO GOD” ($4.00) is a collection of 53 real prayers written to address the needs of real people. After being written, they were kept in a Bible for about five years before being published. How these prayers were answered also appears, if known.

Linden hopes his always modest sales will finance the purchase of two goats for the needy somewhere in the world. Order at:

Wednesday brought the usual session with my “Study Buddy” and a trip to the auto repair shop. Then, at lunchtime, went by the book store. I went next door to get some shrimp and chicken wings and we had lunch at the store. It was pleasant. The evening brought dinner, the program and a meeting at my church.

Our 8:00 breakfast meeting was held at Jack and Helen’s home. Helen fixed breakfast and it was good for us to be together. I took a chocolate cake (purchased) to our “Golden Glows” pitch in luncheon. Dottie Meyer spoke regarding the involvement she and Jim have with TCMI’s Haus Edelweiss in Austria. Several of our group have served there and it brings pleasant memories. Dottie will leave next week to go back there and she is taking a couple of presents from me to the former student I met there and her new husband. I enjoyed reading Kyle-Anne Shiver’s American Thinker pieces of February 11 & 13.
Linden loves to receive comments from his readers but you should be aware that only those sent to are received by him.


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