Wednesday, January 13, 2010


The Book of Genesis concluded with the death of Joseph. In the over 400 years that followed until the birth of Moses the Israelites had become slaves of the Egyptians. There were now maybe as many as three million Israelites.

At the time of the birth of Moses the king of Egypt had decreed that male children would be killed when they were born. When Moses was three months old and could no longer be hidden, his mother put him in a basket and hid it in the reeds by the Nile. He was found there by the daughter of Pharaoh who made him her son. The sister of Moses asked if the daughter wanted a nursemaid for Moses and that led to him having contact with his birth family.

Moses lived in the palace for 40 years but because of the influence of his mother in his early years he had a bond with the Israelites. He killed an Egyptian who was abusing an Israelite and when he found that the Pharaoh knew of it and was going to kill him, he fled.

Moses found a new home, married, had children and lived the life of a shepherd for another 40 years. Then, The LORD convinced him to be the instrument which would cause the Israelites to leave Egypt.

Moses returned to Egypt with his family, met his brother, Aaron, who was a to serve as the voice of Moses. Aaron recounted the words The LORD had given Moses to the Israelites and spoke of the land of milk and honey which was promised.

Pharaoh had to be convinced through the use of ten plagues to let the Israelites go—the last, where the firstborn throughout the land died convinced him and the Egyptians gave the Israelites many jewels and other items and their journey started.

Then, Pharaoh decided to pursue the Israelites who were being led by GOD. HE parted the sea for them so they could cross on dry ground and then closed the sea over the pursuing Egyptians.

Many stories surround the 40 years the Israelites spent wandering in the wilderness. They include sin and grumbling, food being provided, The LORD giving Moses the ten commandments, the tabernacle and the Ark of The Covenant being built.
There are many stories and elaborations which are not contained in the above condensed writing.
On January 11, Sharon presented two postings regarding Brennan. They brought tears to my eyes.

Music: with Exodus, the Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves seems appropriate. See also December 15 posting.


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