Friday, August 3, 2012


Subject Of The Day
Mostly About Me
Blatant Self Promotion
A recent news item was concerned with Harry Reid saying that he had received a call that informed him that Mitt Romney had not paid taxes for ten years. He seemed to think that, because of this call, Mitt was obligated to share his tax information with the world. Linden’s first thought is, who cares? His second thought is that Harry probably does not want every tax cheat to be named.
Rush Limbaugh used his Thursday radio show to say that he had received a call from a person who claimed to have attended Harvard with our President and that his grades were sub-par and may have been inflated by professors. He also said that the person who shared tax info with Harry was guilty of a felony and Harry should divulge just who this person is. Interesting!
Sunday, August 5, 2012 is the date of the 7th annual Plainfield Christian Church free (donations will be accepted to benefit the bands) bluegrass music and southern gospel concert. Music will start shortly before 3:00 p.m. and end at 5:00. Featured bands are: that of 10-year-old Kyle Ramey, The Gospel Servants quartet, and The Birch Creek Bluegrass Band.

Here is a bluegrass song, #20 of those selected for you:

Thursday started with breakfast with some of the guys, Bill, Jack and Paul were absent. Nothing unusual the rest of the day.
My book of the week “PRAYERS ANSWERED AT HAUS EDELWEISS” tells the story of my mission trip to Austria in 2007.  On-line orders are processed by   Lindenwould  authors offered are Robert Shelton, Edna Swift  Northerner, and  Linden Swift.

My song of the week “IT’S A SOMETIMES WORLD” illustrates the meaning of the title. The picture shown while it plays is probably a good one but I, using dial-up, didn’t wait long enough to see it. Listen at

Order my 13 song CD “Songs A Poor Old Police Department Retiree Might Write … While Waiting For His Meager Pension Check” by sending name, address, and your check for $8.00 to Linden Swift, Box 203, Plainfield, IN 46168


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