Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Subject Of The Day
Mostly About Me
Linden on Amazon Kindle & You Tube

As a graduate of a “respected” Ivy League educational institution our President makes it increasingly difficult to accept their “high standards” with the claims that he was unaware of the NSA, Obamacare, Fast and Furious, IRS, and  Benghazi governmental shortcomings. Our choice seems to be that BHO is either mentally slow or a habitual liar. It is embarrassing for Linden to accept that BHO did well in the 2012 New Hampshire primary while Linden didn’t finish high enough to qualify as an also ran. Perhaps the problem lays with the voters within that State. The article linked below may support this thinking.     
MOSTLY ABOUT ME       lswift8@aol.com

On Monday I made some progress on my projects, went to a store, the post office, and by the church and Pier 14. Received an update from Kosova, had a nice phone visit with Julie and probably the 30th call that started “this is your second and final notice” and on to something about credit card costs. I wouldn’t do business with a company that can’t count.
Here is a link to the 8th  of my CD songs on You Tube "OUR RAINBOW” 


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