Friday, January 10, 2014



Linden’s Legacy
Commentary: Polling prejudice
Mostly About Me


Go to and inquire on Linden Swift to view the 6 books he has on Amazon Kindle. Subjects include: a pilgrimage, short stories and more, a mission trip, recipes and more, religion, and a run for the Presidency. Most are priced at 99 cents.
Go to and inquire on Linden Swift to be exposed to any of the 13 songs he composed and sang. Guitar by Peter Smith. Or, you may choose to view Linden’s Presidential announcement. Sadly, he lost.


It was nice to prepare for this posting by considering four different items that were worthy of bringing to your attention. Being an admirer of Ann Coulter and her ability to think rationally and transfer these thoughts to the written word, it follows that her words are those brought to your attention in the link below. It fits in nicely with Linden’s previously expressed belief that many polls are nothing more than attempt to influence the thinking of the poll users. For example, can you, in your wildest dreams, believe that over thirty percent of some of those polled actually believe that Obama is doing a good job of leading the country? Education may be bad but there is no way it has failed to that extent. So, read Coulter’s linked article.
Thursday started with Bill picking me up and going on to our breakfast meeting. Chuck and Jack joined us but it is too cold here for Paul and Wayne. Later, I walked thru deep snow to get to my car and go to the post office and by the church where Ray was dealing with the results of some heating problems and frozen pipes. Shortly after returning home, Dan and Diana came by for coffee and conversation…they enjoyed seeing the subject addressed in my blog posts of the prior two days. Dan cleared the snow from the lane leading to my abode and even shoveled off the snow leading to where I park the car. Made this a purty good day until I watched Butler lose a double overtime basketball game.


The democrats brought you Obamacare: Get even.
Obama, Reid, and Pelosi lead the forces of evil.
Can a non-voter be a good Christian?
Hate crime laws should be overturned.
Baseline budgeting is a taxpayer insult.
Each member of Congress should reduce spending
By $3 billion. Result: no deficit spending.
Many Hoosier voters were fooled by Joe Donnelly


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