Monday, May 4, 2009


For Linden, torture can sometimes be watching President Obama move his head from side to side as he, usually efficiently, reads the words that have been composed from him. It can also be listening to some in congress, aided by their ever willing news media, explain why some things usually thought of as minor in nature is actually torture.

America deserves better than it is being served by these classless clowns.

Water boarding is only a slightly different matter than a hazing routine. No permanent damage results. Many of our military have been exposed to it as a highly desirable part of their training regimen.

These words were generated as a result of Linden thinking about the closing of Guantanamo, as promised by our President, and the possibility of legal action against some of those who do not view torture as he does.

Does President Obama not know that if these terrorists are released within our country and they subsequently kill someone or commit a terrorist act, that Obama himself should be prosecuted as a cohort of terrorism?

Please click on the following link to view a masterpiece.
On Friday, the early morning Men’s Prayer Breakfast was the event of the day and I met Don and Ron for coffee Saturday morning. Otherwise was mostly involved with writing.
Sunday brought church and Sunday school services followed by brunch with friends. Reading and writing afterward. It was nice to be told that the link I had recommended on Friday had been put to good use by a fellow Christian.
Linden’s book “A SWIFT: NOT JONATHAN” ($6.95) is a collection of short stories or essays, song lyrics, poetry and a Christian play.

‘MIND OVER FATTER” ($3.00) presents the theory of vicarious exercise and other “different” thoughts.

Now that Linden’s 2009 sales have financed two goats for some of the needy in the world, his next goal is to fund the purchase of a water buffalo. Order at:
In “Store Search” use “Linden” for books, “police dept” for CD.
Use “Linden” to search in both book and music sections.
JUDGES 13:1 – 14:20
The birth of Samson. Samson takes a wife, she betrays him and she is given to a friend.

JOHN 1:29-51
John the Baptist calls JESUS the Son of God. JESUS calls the first disciples.

PSALM 102:1-28
PROVERBS 14:15-16

JUDGES 15:1 – 16:31
Samson fights the Philistines. Delilah betrays Samson who later brings the temple down of the Philistines and himself.

JOHN 2:1-25
JESUS changes water to wine and chases the undesirables out of the temple.

PSALM 103:1-22
PROVERBS 14:17-19

JUDGES 17:1 – 18:31
The Danites attack and conquer a town which they rename Dan.

JOHN 3:1-21
JESUS teaches Nicodemus.

PSALM 104:1-24
PROVERBS 14:20-21
Linden loves to receive comments from his readers but you should be aware that only those sent to are received by him: No message will be forwarded if you click on “comments” below.


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