Thursday, April 23, 2009


The time is much shorter than you may think until the 2010 primary election season starts. Every person who is even slightly concerned about the direction our country is heading needs to be thinking about how they may start turning this boat around.
Linden does not agree with the many who feel that all members of Congress should be opposed and defeated. The “don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater” axiom comes into play.
If we look at the voting records of those who are most solidly in favor of moving our country from being a capitalist nation to that of being socialist nation we quickly see that they are democrats. None should be re-elected.
Unfortunately, many of the Republicans should be classified as weak kneed and without a sufficiently strong grasp of their own responsibility for the well being of our country. These should be identified, opposed by a conservative in the primary and defeated in the primary. If they should win in the primary, they probably, bad as they are, deserve general election support.
We who are concerned need to identify a number of votes that will help us to identify those who should be retired and WORK and PRAY to cause that to happen. No grading on the curve. Linden hopes to provide you with the names of those who do not pass muster in the near future.
Had the usual Study Buddy session at 9:00, took care of some matters at the credit union, went to Chick-fil-A for biscuits and gravy and coffee – also had chicken in a biscuit. GOOD! Had another veteran’s report to pass on to Lynn. Great dinner at my church: chicken breast, au gratin potatoes, broccoli salad (wish I knew how to make that,) cobbler and coffee. The following program was a depiction of the Apostle Paul in prison in Rome: It, a production of the National Christian Music Conference week with us, was very well done.
Linden’s CD “SONGS A POOR OLD POLICE DEPARTMENT RETIREE MIGHT WRITE … WHILE WAITING FOR HIS MEAGER PENSION CHECK” ($8.95) is a collection of 13 songs written and sung by Linden.

The book “OUTSTANDING NATIONAL LEAGUE BASEBALL PITCHERS OF THE LAST 42 YEARS” ($3.00) outlines Linden’s rating of those pitchers in the years 1946 through 1987.

Now that Linden’s 2009 sales have financed two goats for some of the needy in the world, his next goal is to fund the purchase of a water buffalo. Order at:
In “Store Search” use “Linden” for books, “police dept” for CD.
Use “Linden” to search in both book and music sections.
JOSHUA 24:1-33
The covenant is renewed at Shechem. Joshua dies.

LUKE 21:1-28
The widow’s offering. Signs of the end of the age.

PSALM 89:38-52
PROVERBS 13:20-23
Linden loves to receive comments from his readers but you should be aware that only those sent to are received by him: No message will be forwarded if you click on “comments” below.


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