Subject Of The Day
Mostly About Me
Blatant Self Promotion
On Monday, Linden, still fighting election day depression, failed to mention the service of American Veterans. So, here is the mention, a day late. We have been blessed since before the Revolution with those willing to fight to uphold the basic beliefs that are so outstandingly outlined in our Constitution. The fights continue and should be joined by those responsible for educating our children. This, includes parents, teachers, journalists, and many others. Get with it! Do your Job! The two links appearing below are highly recommended reading.
Link to a great article:
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Monday morning was spent pampering my stomach and the rest of the day was not as much fun. At 9:45, I met Harlene for a cinnamon bun at Goody’s and around noon Ron and Sam picked me up and we went to White Castle for a most welcome snack. Hadn’t been there in a long time and don’t intend to make that mistake again. OOPS! I almost committed an unthinkable blunder: Tyler and Mark came over just before 9:00 A.M. bringing me cards and homemade cookies that the 4th and 5th grade Junior Leaders at church had made for me. Both were excellent and much appreciated. I am blest!
My book of the week “AN OLD MAN ON THE ST. JAMES WAY” tells the story of my difficult pilgrimage in Spain in 2005. On-line orders are processed by Lindenwould authors offered are Robert Shelton, Edna Swift Northerner, and Linden Swift.
My song of the week “DON’T CRY LITTLE SISTER” is a school busing protest song. The picture shown while it plays is of me and my youngest granddaughter. Listen at
Subject Of The Day
Mostly About Me
Blatant Self Promotion
On Monday, Linden, still fighting election day depression, failed to mention the service of American Veterans. So, here is the mention, a day late. We have been blessed since before the Revolution with those willing to fight to uphold the basic beliefs that are so outstandingly outlined in our Constitution. The fights continue and should be joined by those responsible for educating our children. This, includes parents, teachers, journalists, and many others. Get with it! Do your Job! The two links appearing below are highly recommended reading.
Link to a great article:
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Monday morning was spent pampering my stomach and the rest of the day was not as much fun. At 9:45, I met Harlene for a cinnamon bun at Goody’s and around noon Ron and Sam picked me up and we went to White Castle for a most welcome snack. Hadn’t been there in a long time and don’t intend to make that mistake again. OOPS! I almost committed an unthinkable blunder: Tyler and Mark came over just before 9:00 A.M. bringing me cards and homemade cookies that the 4th and 5th grade Junior Leaders at church had made for me. Both were excellent and much appreciated. I am blest!
My book of the week “AN OLD MAN ON THE ST. JAMES WAY” tells the story of my difficult pilgrimage in Spain in 2005. On-line orders are processed by Lindenwould authors offered are Robert Shelton, Edna Swift Northerner, and Linden Swift.
My song of the week “DON’T CRY LITTLE SISTER” is a school busing protest song. The picture shown while it plays is of me and my youngest granddaughter. Listen at
my 13 song CD “Songs A Poor Old Police Department Retiree Might Write … While
Waiting For His Meager Pension Check” by sending name, address, and your check
for $8.00 to Linden Swift, Box 203, Plainfield, IN 46168
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