Thursday, January 3, 2008



“BOUT FIRTEEN COUNTRY CHILDERN RIMES” is a group of 20 poems written in a style reminiscent of James Whitcomb Riley and 20 accompanying illustrations. This book is little more expensive than a greeting card. Since both the author and the illustrator are now deceased, use Linden Swift as the author name when inquiring online.

“OUTSTANDING NATIONAL LEAGUE BASEBALL PITCHERS OF THE LAST 42 YEARS” Published in 1987, this book could be of interest to older baseball fans. Author: Linden Swift. Available locally at Uncommon Corner in downtown Plainfield, IN or Secondhand Stories on Raceway road. Also online:


It appears that in the last general election there were no Republican candidates in 39 districts scattered across 15 states. These positions offer much more than just good pay. Some of these districts are listed below in State, District and general location sequence. Please help find a Republican candidate in these districts. Even if these districts can reasonably be considered “lost causes,” the effected taxpayers need to have a choice.

New Jersey 1 Camden and Gloucester Counties
New Jersey 10 Essex, Hudson and Orion Counties

New York 5 Queens and Nassau Counties
New York 6 Queens
New York 9 Brooklyn and Queens
New York 22 Delaware and seven other Counties

North Carolina 1 Roanake Rapids, rocky Mount and other areas

In recent ratings, the Council for Citizens Against Government Waste considered 32 of the present officeholders (democrats) to be hostile, 6 unfriendly, and 1 lukewarm to taxpayers. The National Taxpayers Union granted a grade of “F” to 36 of this group while 3 of them rose to a “D”.


Surely you believe that the liberal dominated news media is very, very selective in what “news” they will print or report. Have you noticed the absence of reporting about the improved situation in Iraq? There are, of course, other examples but Linden will assume that you can think. WHAT IF, you complained to the lackluster “news” provider and, if satisfaction is not obtained you then call those who advertise in that medium? Your message could be something like: “ I am disappointed that you choose to advertise in or on …. Who will not report…. Perhaps this approach would pay dividends in the form of less biased news coverage.

You can believe Linden when he says that it has been really cold in Plainfield, IN the last couple of nights. He understood why this morning when he read the January 1 American Thinker posting by James Lewis entitled "Happy End of Global Warming" which presented the thinking of a British scientist. This reading was followed by a January 3 AT posting by Randall Hoven, "Top Russian scientist: global cooling coming. Now, Linden is not a scientist, he bases his disbelief on global warming solely on his conviction that Al Gore is always wrong. Regardless, it appears that his December 17 posting, "Global Cooling" may yet result in Linden being a Nobel prize winner.
The above is presented in order for you to start considering what should happen, in the employment security area, to those thousands of "scientists" who have been busily pooh-poohing any who would dare to disagree with their thoughts. If thought is what we may call it. If their 'belief" is discredited should not they and their sponsoring organizations also be discredited?
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