Thursday, April 19, 2012


Subject Of The Day
Mostly About Me
Blatant Self Promotion

Linden found the contents of what will be this series as a comment made by wesley69 in regard to another article. Attempts to identify wesley69 met with no success. Linden would like to claim authorship but cannot.

*The fact that today the government spends 4.1 billion a day compared to Bush and the Republicans, 1.5 billion, this higher spending level belongs to you.
*The higher federal debt, its continued rise ($1 trillion addition of the Stimulus alone) belongs to you.
*The federal debt, while it increased under Bush by $4.9 trillion, in eight years, it has increased $4 trillion in 3+ years belongs to you.
*The debt crisis, where you have offered no plan, and still offer no serious debt reduction ideas, the threatened default belongs to you.
*The fanatical desire to tax the “evil” rich and demand they pay their fair share, though they already bear much of the tax burden, your continued comments that stimulate class warfare belong to you.
*During the debate over lifting the national debt limit, your threat to push Granny off a cliff by making threats about checks being suspended or delayed belongs to you.
*The regulations, more still coming down the pipe, that restrict business belongs to you.
*The endemic growth of the economy belongs to you.
This two, Sir, must stand alone.
*The decline in the value of the dollar due to the Fed’s quantitative easing, that is fueling the rise in prices of food, gasoline belongs to you.
The coming hyperinflation, particularly if there is are other rounds of quantitative easing, belongs to you. Isn’t it a good thing, Mr. President, that the common folk have not made the connection between these policies and a declining dollar. Your policies, instead of giving everyone a tax cut are, in fact, giving everyone a wage cut.
On Tuesday I went by the church for a minute then dropped off recyclables, picked up my mail, went to the credit union and on to the hardware store. In the afternoon, I thought one of the geese in the backyard was going to attack me. I’m not crazy about geese. In the evening I had a great dinner and attended a good program at church.
My book of the week “PRAYERS ANSWERED AT HAUS EDELWEISS” tells the story of my mission trip to Austria in 2007.  On-line orders are processed by   Lindenwould  authors offered are Robert Shelton, Edna Swift  Northerner, and  Linden Swift.

The song from my CD this week is “FROG POND” tells of a home by a frog pond. Listen at

Order my 13 song CD “Songs A Poor Old Police Department Retiree Might Write … While Waiting For His Meager Pension Check” by sending name, address, and your check for $7.00 to Linden Swift, Box 203, Plainfield, IN 46168


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