Friday, October 30, 2015



Linden’s Legacy: updated 9-29-15
Commentary: updated Mon. thru Fri.
Mostly About Me: updated Mon. thru Fri.
Song Of The Day: updated Mon. thru Fri.
Remember: updated 6-29-15

Linden’s Legacy:

NEW 8-7. Granddaughter Alison”s new cooking blog:

NEW 9-29. Link to my Bless A Stranger project #21:

To date 17 of the projects I have backed were successfully funded and 3 failed to meet their goal and received no funding. Unfortunately one of the unfunded efforts was my own “Ireland Is Calling” effort. The hope to go in September 2015 was realized: my thanks to friends who have supported my hope.

Check Linden Swift at to view his 3 print books and 7 Kindle E-books. Two of the print books each contain 3 of the Kindle books. Sowing Seeds of Faith is his most recent and is available both as a print book and as an E-book. Please check them out when looking for new reads or gifts.

Check Linden Swift at for music and more.
Linden thought that the most recent Republican Presidential debate featured mostly good answers to the questions and comments made by those selected by CNBC to conduct the inquisition.
We should probably be a bit nervous about the election of Paul Ryan to be Speaker of the House because his support by the democrats was more solid than was his support by the Republicans. Hopefully he will prove to be much more conservative than many fear he will be.
The Peter Heck article linked below is a good one.
On Thursday I met with the guys at 8:00 then went to three stores and the post office. Back home, had a nice phone visit with Julie. Later, I lost my balance and had a hard fall, broke a dish in the process. I’m expecting Brian to come over and go to the hospital with me Friday afternoon…I expect to stay overnight and may not resume blogging on Monday. 
Linked below is a hymn for your weekend.
SONG OF THE DAY: You Raise Me Up


The democrats brought you Obamacare.
Obama, Reid, and Pelosi lead the forces of evil.
Hate crime laws should be overturned.
Baseline budgeting is a taxpayer insult.
Carly answers questions: Hillary does not.
SCOTUS: undeserving of respect.

Thursday, October 29, 2015



Linden’s Legacy: updated 9-29-15
Commentary: updated Mon. thru Fri.
Mostly About Me: updated Mon. thru Fri.
Song Of The Day: updated Mon. thru Fri.
Remember: updated 6-29-15

Linden’s Legacy:

NEW 8-7. Granddaughter Alison”s new cooking blog:

NEW 9-29. Link to my Bless A Stranger project #21:

To date 17 of the projects I have backed were successfully funded and 3 failed to meet their goal and received no funding. Unfortunately one of the unfunded efforts was my own “Ireland Is Calling” effort. The hope to go in September 2015 was realized: my thanks to friends who have supported my hope.

Check Linden Swift at to view his 3 print books and 7 Kindle E-books. Two of the print books each contain 3 of the Kindle books. Sowing Seeds of Faith is his most recent and is available both as a print book and as an E-book. Please check them out when looking for new reads or gifts.

Check Linden Swift at for music and more.
Linked below are four of the articles that Linden had selected for your analysis last year that never made it through the selection process. Probably all of these situations have been corrected by now.
Dereliction of duty;
A note from Obama:
Media lied, people died:
Wasteful spending:
On Wednesday I again went out for breakfast then picked up my mail and returned to the busy life at home. Had dinner and attended a study at church in the evening.  Yesterday I failed to mention that on Tuesday evening I was one of several persons at the Plainfield Chick-fil-A Trunk or Treat event where goodies were passed out to probably over 300 children, most in costume.
I had not thought of the song linked below for years.
SONG OF THE DAY: I’m Going Back To Whur I Come From


The democrats brought you Obamacare.
Obama, Reid, and Pelosi lead the forces of evil.
Hate crime laws should be overturned.
Baseline budgeting is a taxpayer insult.
Carly answers questions: Hillary does not.
SCOTUS: undeserving of respect.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015



Linden’s Legacy: updated 9-29-15
Commentary: updated Mon. thru Fri.
Mostly About Me: updated Mon. thru Fri.
Song Of The Day: updated Mon. thru Fri.
Remember: updated 6-29-15

Linden’s Legacy:

NEW 8-7. Granddaughter Alison”s new cooking blog:

NEW 9-29. Link to my Bless A Stranger project #21:

To date 17 of the projects I have backed were successfully funded and 3 failed to meet their goal and received no funding. Unfortunately one of the unfunded efforts was my own “Ireland Is Calling” effort. The hope to go in September 2015 was realized: my thanks to friends who have supported my hope.

Check Linden Swift at to view his 3 print books and 7 Kindle E-books. Two of the print books each contain 3 of the Kindle books. Sowing Seeds of Faith is his most recent and is available both as a print book and as an E-book. Please check them out when looking for new reads or gifts.

Check Linden Swift at for music and more.
COMMENTARY: Regarding Radical Muslims
The video linked below is perhaps the best effort ever to address this ongoing problem.
On Tuesday I went out for breakfast then went on to a store, dropped off recyclables and picked up mail. It was a rainy day and I was mostly inactive.

A song with pictures from the 1930’s is linked below
SONG OF THE DAY: Hard Times Come Again No More


The democrats brought you Obamacare.
Obama, Reid, and Pelosi lead the forces of evil.
Hate crime laws should be overturned.
Baseline budgeting is a taxpayer insult.
Carly answers questions: Hillary does not.
SCOTUS: undeserving of respect.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015



Linden’s Legacy: updated 9-29-15
Commentary: updated Mon. thru Fri.
Mostly About Me: updated Mon. thru Fri.
Song Of The Day: updated Mon. thru Fri.
Remember: updated 6-29-15

Linden’s Legacy:

NEW 8-7. Granddaughter Alison”s new cooking blog:

NEW 9-29. Link to my Bless A Stranger project #21:

To date 17 of the projects I have backed were successfully funded and 3 failed to meet their goal and received no funding. Unfortunately one of the unfunded efforts was my own “Ireland Is Calling” effort. The hope to go in September 2015 was realized: my thanks to friends who have supported my hope.

Check Linden Swift at to view his 3 print books and 7 Kindle E-books. Two of the print books each contain 3 of the Kindle books. Sowing Seeds of Faith is his most recent and is available both as a print book and as an E-book. Please check them out when looking for new reads or gifts.

Check Linden Swift at for music and more.
Those of us who have managed a budget, whether home, business, or other, know that almost invariably the quickest way to achieve real progress is to reduce expenses. Our completely out of kilter federal “budget” needs to quickly start doing just that. There is more than one way to start the project but gutting unnecessary expense is probably the pick of many who are concerned. Linden would nominate the United Nations as being the ideal place to start. Apparently the writer of the article linked below would agree.
Monday started with breakfast at Chick-fil-A. This was followed by stopping at a store, filling up the gas tank at the rare price of $1.94 per gallon, picking up mail, and having a busy day working at home.

A song is linked below
SONG OF THE DAY: The Town I Loved So Well


The democrats brought you Obamacare.
Obama, Reid, and Pelosi lead the forces of evil.
Hate crime laws should be overturned.
Baseline budgeting is a taxpayer insult.
Carly answers questions: Hillary does not.
SCOTUS: undeserving of respect.

Monday, October 26, 2015



Linden’s Legacy: updated 9-29-15
Commentary: updated Mon. thru Fri.
Mostly About Me: updated Mon. thru Fri.
Song Of The Day: updated Mon. thru Fri.
Remember: updated 6-29-15

Linden’s Legacy:

NEW 8-7. Granddaughter Alison”s new cooking blog:

NEW 9-29. Link to my Bless A Stranger project #21:

To date 17 of the projects I have backed were successfully funded and 3 failed to meet their goal and received no funding. Unfortunately one of the unfunded efforts was my own “Ireland Is Calling” effort. The hope to go in September 2015 was realized: my thanks to friends who have supported my hope.

Check Linden Swift at to view his 3 print books and 7 Kindle E-books. Two of the print books each contain 3 of the Kindle books. Sowing Seeds of Faith is his most recent and is available both as a print book and as an E-book. Please check them out when looking for new reads or gifts.

Check Linden Swift at for music and more.
Linden hoped that the Benghazi hearings last week would lead to the legal conclusion that Hillary Clinton should be charged and would not be eligible for election to any office. That was not the result of the hearing. No, in many media spots she was congratulated for her performance. Since many Christians seem to support the current administration or do not bother to vote at all, the question contained in the title of this short piece and that contained in the article linked below should probably be privately addressed by each reader.
Friday started with Men’s Prayer Breakfast: Sandi cleaned my place while I was at the church. Later, I went to a store, picked up my mail, did a load of wash, had a very good phone visit with Julie as she drove to her home from Wisconsin, and also talked to Alison for a while.
On Saturday, Sam came out and we had breakfast and visits at the Avon Legion Post. Later I corresponded with Brian, watched some rugby and also another disappointing I.U. football game.
Sunday brought church and Sunday school attendance followed by brunch with friends. Later, I watched the Colts lose another game and talked to Brian for a few minutes.

A song which has nothing to do with my life is linked below
SONG OF THE DAY:2015: The Worst Day Since Yesterday


The democrats brought you Obamacare.
Obama, Reid, and Pelosi lead the forces of evil.
Hate crime laws should be overturned.
Baseline budgeting is a taxpayer insult.
Carly answers questions: Hillary does not.
SCOTUS: undeserving of respect.

Friday, October 23, 2015



Linden’s Legacy: updated 9-29-15
Commentary: updated Mon. thru Fri.
Mostly About Me: updated Mon. thru Fri.
Song Of The Day: updated Mon. thru Fri.
Remember: updated 6-29-15

Linden’s Legacy:

NEW 8-7. Granddaughter Alison”s new cooking blog:

NEW 9-29. Link to my Bless A Stranger project #21:

To date 17 of the projects I have backed were successfully funded and 3 failed to meet their goal and received no funding. Unfortunately one of the unfunded efforts was my own “Ireland Is Calling” effort. The hope to go in September 2015 was realized: my thanks to friends who have supported my hope.

Check Linden Swift at to view his 3 print books and 7 Kindle E-books. Two of the print books each contain 3 of the Kindle books. Sowing Seeds of Faith is his most recent and is available both as a print book and as an E-book. Please check them out when looking for new reads or gifts.

Check Linden Swift at for music and more.
It is no secret that Linden has long thought that John Boehner shoul be replaced as Speaker of the House. Now, he has said that he will step down and there has been confusion about who should replace him ever since. No person, until possibly now, has seemed to have enough support to be elected. Now, it appears that Paul Ryan may step forward and may have the necessary votes. Linden hopes for better results than he expects.
On Thursday I met with the guys at 8:00. Later, I went to a grocery, picked up my mail, and did a load of wash.

A hymn for your weekend is linked below
SONG OF THE DAY:2015: He Leadeth Me


The democrats brought you Obamacare.
Obama, Reid, and Pelosi lead the forces of evil.
Hate crime laws should be overturned.
Baseline budgeting is a taxpayer insult.
Carly answers questions: Hillary does not.
SCOTUS: undeserving of respect.

Thursday, October 22, 2015



Linden’s Legacy: updated 9-29-15
Commentary: updated Mon. thru Fri.
Mostly About Me: updated Mon. thru Fri.
Song Of The Day: updated Mon. thru Fri.
Remember: updated 6-29-15

Linden’s Legacy:

NEW 8-7. Granddaughter Alison”s new cooking blog:

NEW 9-29. Link to my Bless A Stranger project #21:

To date 17 of the projects I have backed were successfully funded and 3 failed to meet their goal and received no funding. Unfortunately one of the unfunded efforts was my own “Ireland Is Calling” effort. The hope to go in September 2015 was realized: my thanks to friends who have supported my hope.

Check Linden Swift at to view his 3 print books and 7 Kindle E-books. Two of the print books each contain 3 of the Kindle books. Sowing Seeds of Faith is his most recent and is available both as a print book and as an E-book. Please check them out when looking for new reads or gifts.

Check Linden Swift at for music and more.
Time just zips by…I can hardly believe that it has been almost two years since my blog title was “Strike 8 On Donnelly”. A more efficient blogger would probably be up to strike 25 by now. This post was caused by reading in The American Legion magazine of Donnelly’s support of Obama again overstepping his authority by executive order to supporting a nuclear agreement with Iran. I predict dead Americans will be the final result of this agreement. Sad!
I do admire Donnelly’s ability to appear to be opposed to the democrat bill blockers when the bill in question cannot possibly take effect and it will look good to the easily fooled in the Hoosier State. Sickening.
I did paperwork until Laura came at 11:00 to take me to lunch. We had good Mexican food and a good visit…she was in Plainfield to set up voting at the library. After lunch I went to a store, picked up my mail and then took a nap. Then resumed working.

Another Irish song linked below
SONG OF THE DAY:2015: The Fields Of Athenry


The democrats brought you Obamacare.
Obama, Reid, and Pelosi lead the forces of evil.
Hate crime laws should be overturned.
Baseline budgeting is a taxpayer insult.
Carly answers questions: Hillary does not.
SCOTUS: undeserving of respect.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015



Linden’s Legacy: updated 9-29-15
Commentary: updated Mon. thru Fri.
Mostly About Me: updated Mon. thru Fri.
Song Of The Day: updated Mon. thru Fri.
Remember: updated 6-29-15

Linden’s Legacy:

NEW 8-7. Granddaughter Alison”s new cooking blog:

NEW 9-29. Link to my Bless A Stranger project #21:

To date 17 of the projects I have backed were successfully funded and 3 failed to meet their goal and received no funding. Unfortunately one of the unfunded efforts was my own “Ireland Is Calling” effort. The hope to go in September 2015 was realized: my thanks to friends who have supported my hope.

Check Linden Swift at to view his 3 print books and 7 Kindle E-books. Two of the print books each contain 3 of the Kindle books. Sowing Seeds of Faith is his most recent and is available both as a print book and as an E-book. Please check them out when looking for new reads or gifts.

Check Linden Swift at for music and more.
The time I devote to blogging has been more limited recently than it was in the past so my access to the “news” has been somewhat less than usual. As a result of this, I’m not sure that some of the rumblings heard in regard to Congressional investigations of Hillary Clinton are valid. Some seem to think that much of the coverage to this point has been provided in the hope that the end result will be a lackluster hearing and that Hillary will skate from that point forward. Probably not too surprisingly, my hope is that the result will be a condemnation of what is often viewed as very shady if not illegal practices. The reality will emerge after the hearings.
Tuesday started with biscuits and gravy at Chick-fil-A then I picked up my mail and dropped off my recyclables. Was busy at home much of the rest of the day. Had dinner at the Avon Legion Post.
Another Irish song linked below
SONG OF THE DAY:2015: Galway Girl


The democrats brought you Obamacare.
Obama, Reid, and Pelosi lead the forces of evil.
Hate crime laws should be overturned.
Baseline budgeting is a taxpayer insult.
Carly answers questions: Hillary does not.
SCOTUS: undeserving of respect.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015



Linden’s Legacy: updated 9-29-15
Commentary: updated Mon. thru Fri.
Mostly About Me: updated Mon. thru Fri.
Song Of The Day: updated Mon. thru Fri.
Remember: updated 6-29-15

Linden’s Legacy:

NEW 8-7. Granddaughter Alison”s new cooking blog:

NEW 9-29. Link to my Bless A Stranger project #21:

To date 17 of the projects I have backed were successfully funded and 3 failed to meet their goal and received no funding. Unfortunately one of the unfunded efforts was my own “Ireland Is Calling” effort. The hope to go in September 2015 was realized: my thanks to friends who have supported my hope.

Check Linden Swift at to view his 3 print books and 7 Kindle E-books. Two of the print books each contain 3 of the Kindle books. Sowing Seeds of Faith is his most recent and is available both as a print book and as an E-book. Please check them out when looking for new reads or gifts.

Check Linden Swift at for music and more.
In my opinion there are no unimportant elections. The usually low turnout at the local elections may cause a locality to lose a key member of the local governing group. Plainfield, Indiana has been blessed for years with very good management that has, almost without exception, been a blessing to the residents. Now is certainly no time to gamble on the possibility that we, through inaction, lose a very important member of our governing body. Kent McPhail deserves your vote. Do it.
Monday started with me making the trip to Danville on the first day of absentee voting: I was first to vote again. I again took donuts and cream puffs to the workers. They are a nice bunch. Later, I corresponded with Brian and Julie and in the evening I went to a CDCMF dinner and meeting.
Another Irish song linked below: shows some beautiful scenery.
SONG OF THE DAY:2015: If I ever Leave This World Alive


The democrats brought you Obamacare.
Obama, Reid, and Pelosi lead the forces of evil.
Hate crime laws should be overturned.
Baseline budgeting is a taxpayer insult.
Carly answers questions: Hillary does not.
SCOTUS: undeserving of respect.

Monday, October 19, 2015


Happy birthday Julie.


Linden’s Legacy: updated 9-29-15
Commentary: updated Mon. thru Fri.
Mostly About Me: updated Mon. thru Fri.
Song Of The Day: updated Mon. thru Fri.
Remember: updated 6-29-15

Linden’s Legacy:

NEW 8-7. Granddaughter Alison”s new cooking blog:

NEW 9-29. Link to my Bless A Stranger project #21:

To date 17 of the projects I have backed were successfully funded and 3 failed to meet their goal and received no funding. Unfortunately one of the unfunded efforts was my own “Ireland Is Calling” effort. The hope to go in September 2015 was realized: my thanks to friends who have supported my hope.

Check Linden Swift at to view his 3 print books and 7 Kindle E-books. Two of the print books each contain 3 of the Kindle books. Sowing Seeds of Faith is his most recent and is available both as a print book and as an E-book. Please check them out when looking for new reads or gifts.

Check Linden Swift at for music and more.
Today you are being provided with some of the links I didn’t get around to providing last year. Hope you enjoy them. The first, Ann Coulter writes on racial profiling. The second, Thomas Sowell addresses selecting Presidents. The third, Dennis Prager on political correctness. And the last, Teresa Mull on then current events.
Ann Coulter:
Thomas Sowell:
Dennis Prager:
Teresa Mull:
Friday started with Men’s Prayer Breakfast and was followed by trips to a grocery, gas station, bank and the post office. Stayed busy.
On Saturday Lloyd took me to the men’s meeting at Kingsway. Back home I picked up my mail and was busy until I watched the very most disappointing I.U. football game ever.
Sunday brought church and Sunday school attendance followed by brunch with friends and a trip to a store.
An old Irish song is selected for your listening pleasure. it is linked below.
SONG OF THE DAY:2015: Molly Malone


The democrats brought you Obamacare.
Obama, Reid, and Pelosi lead the forces of evil.
Hate crime laws should be overturned.
Baseline budgeting is a taxpayer insult.
Carly answers questions: Hillary does not.
SCOTUS: undeserving of respect.

Friday, October 16, 2015



Linden’s Legacy: updated 9-29-15
Commentary: updated Mon. thru Fri.
Mostly About Me: updated Mon. thru Fri.
Song Of The Day: updated Mon. thru Fri.
Remember: updated 6-29-15

Linden’s Legacy:

NEW 8-7. Granddaughter Alison”s new cooking blog:

NEW 9-29. Link to my Bless A Stranger project #21:

To date 17 of the projects I have backed were successfully funded and 3 failed to meet their goal and received no funding. Unfortunately one of the unfunded efforts was my own “Ireland Is Calling” effort. The hope to go in September 2015 was realized: my thanks to friends who have supported my hope.

Check Linden Swift at to view his 3 print books and 7 Kindle E-books. Two of the print books each contain 3 of the Kindle books. Sowing Seeds of Faith is his most recent and is available both as a print book and as an E-book. Please check them out when looking for new reads or gifts.

Check Linden Swift at for music and more.
Perhaps Linden should have worded the title “SPEND ONLY SOME OF IT IF YOU CAN AFFORD IT”. That would be much more in line with what he actually believes. Can you believe the mindset of that portion of our population who actually approve of our current national debt? Can you believe the mindset of that portion of our population who are in favor of deficit spending? Can you believe the mindset of that portion of our population who will support any of the things mentioned in the linked article below? Talk about terminally dumb.
Thursday started with me having breakfast with the guys at 8:00 then went on to the credit union and then picked up my mail. Corresponded with Brian, Julie, and others. Busy day.
The hymn selected for your weekend is linked below.
SONG OF THE DAY:2015: Holy, Holy, Holy


The democrats brought you Obamacare.
Obama, Reid, and Pelosi lead the forces of evil.
Hate crime laws should be overturned.
Baseline budgeting is a taxpayer insult.
Carly answers questions: Hillary does not.
SCOTUS: undeserving of respect.

Thursday, October 15, 2015



Linden’s Legacy: updated 9-29-15
Commentary: updated Mon. thru Fri.
Mostly About Me: updated Mon. thru Fri.
Song Of The Day: updated Mon. thru Fri.
Remember: updated 6-29-15

Linden’s Legacy:

NEW 8-7. Granddaughter Alison”s new cooking blog:

NEW 9-29. Link to my Bless A Stranger project #21:

To date 17 of the projects I have backed were successfully funded and 3 failed to meet their goal and received no funding. Unfortunately one of the unfunded efforts was my own “Ireland Is Calling” effort. The hope to go in September 2015 was realized: my thanks to friends who have supported my hope.

Check Linden Swift at to view his 3 print books and 7 Kindle E-books. Two of the print books each contain 3 of the Kindle books. Sowing Seeds of Faith is his most recent and is available both as a print book and as an E-book. Please check them out when looking for new reads or gifts.

Check Linden Swift at for music and more.
Yep, that was me for a brief period Tuesday evening! I observed an applauding group of  crazies watching the democrat “debate”. To say that I was not favorably impressed would be an understatement of major proportions. Most disappointing, unless they were paid, was the applauding attendees. No wonder there are over 90 million unemployed and a national debt of over 18 trillion dollars. Sometimes it seems hopeless. Perhaps the article linked below will cheer you up.
Wednesday started with breakfast at Chick-fil-A then I went on to a store, the post office, and the license branch. Busy at home after I arrived back there.
In 2001 an Edinburgh friend invited Rubye and I to the Tattoo, we intended to go and then on to the West coast of Ireland. Her health interceded.
SONG OF THE DAY:2015 Edinburgh Military Tattoo :


The democrats brought you Obamacare.
Obama, Reid, and Pelosi lead the forces of evil.
Hate crime laws should be overturned.
Baseline budgeting is a taxpayer insult.
Carly answers questions: Hillary does not.
SCOTUS: undeserving of respect.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015



Linden’s Legacy: updated 9-29-15
Commentary: updated Mon. thru Fri.
Mostly About Me: updated Mon. thru Fri.
Song Of The Day: updated Mon. thru Fri.
Remember: updated 6-29-15

Linden’s Legacy:

NEW 8-7. Granddaughter Alison”s new cooking blog:

NEW 9-29. Link to my Bless A Stranger project #21:

To date 17 of the projects I have backed were successfully funded and 3 failed to meet their goal and received no funding. Unfortunately one of the unfunded efforts was my own “Ireland Is Calling” effort. The hope to go in September 2015 was realized: my thanks to friends who have supported my hope.

Check Linden Swift at to view his 3 print books and 7 Kindle E-books. Two of the print books each contain 3 of the Kindle books. Sowing Seeds of Faith is his most recent and is available both as a print book and as an E-book. Please check them out when looking for new reads or gifts.

Check Linden Swift at for music and more.
At our monthly GOP Breakfast Tuesday, as State Attorney General candidate Randy Head started his talk he referred to the overreach of some agencies, first rightfully naming the EPA. At question and answer time I pointed out the need for an organized effort to cause Congress to defund offending agencies. He seemed supportive of the idea. Let’s face it, these are vast bureaucracies who feel they must do something to plant the idea that they are productive. Often what they do is no friend of the taxpayer or freedom in general. If new regulations required Congressional approval before being implemented or if Congress would grade them on desirability and defund the offenders, it would be a blessing. You have my permission to propagate the thought.
Tuesday started with Lloyd picking me up and going to the breakfast mentioned above: good food, good presentation. Later, I dropped off my recyclables, picked up mail, met a friend for cinnamon rolls, conversation and coffee, went to the credit union and by the newspaper office in Avon. In the evening I had dinner at the Avon Legion Post: they had received a letter and a license plate from one of the Post Commanders I had contacted in Ireland.
SONG OF THE DAY: A Scottish Soldier:


The democrats brought you Obamacare.
Obama, Reid, and Pelosi lead the forces of evil.
Hate crime laws should be overturned.
Baseline budgeting is a taxpayer insult.
Carly answers questions: Hillary does not.
SCOTUS: undeserving of respect.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015



Linden’s Legacy: updated 9-29-15
Commentary: updated Mon. thru Fri.
Mostly About Me: updated Mon. thru Fri.
Song Of The Day: updated Mon. thru Fri.
Remember: updated 6-29-15

Linden’s Legacy:

NEW 8-7. Granddaughter Alison”s new cooking blog:

NEW 9-29. Link to my Bless A Stranger project #21:

To date 17 of the projects I have backed were successfully funded and 3 failed to meet their goal and received no funding. Unfortunately one of the unfunded efforts was my own “Ireland Is Calling” effort. The hope to go in September 2015 was realized: my thanks to friends who have supported my hope.

Check Linden Swift at to view his 3 print books and 7 Kindle E-books. Two of the print books each contain 3 of the Kindle books. Sowing Seeds of Faith is his most recent and is available both as a print book and as an E-book. Please check them out when looking for new reads or gifts.

Check Linden Swift at for music and more.
Every time Linden sees a column by E. J. Dionne in the Indianapolis Star, he considers canceling his subscription…this statement should give you a picture of his regard for the “news” media. Although we know that any average citizen would be better for America than the current White House occupant, there are too many Republican candidates who are above average to select one at this early stage. The Ben Carson article linked below makes it easy to understand why he is, at this stage, one of the frontrunners.
Monday started with Biscuits and gravy at Chick-fil-A then, after a stop at a grocery, I was back home where I was productive in addressing some of the items in the stack of stuff the Ireland trip had caused me to fall behind on. I’m irritated with myself for being so slow to catch up. The U.S. Navy was established on this date in 1775. While listening to RTE last week I learned that it was the anniversary of the death of Mario Lanza. One of his hits is presented in the below link.
SONG OF THE DAY: Santa Lucia:


The democrats brought you Obamacare.
Obama, Reid, and Pelosi lead the forces of evil.
Hate crime laws should be overturned.
Baseline budgeting is a taxpayer insult.
Carly answers questions: Hillary does not.
SCOTUS: undeserving of respect.

Monday, October 12, 2015



Linden’s Legacy: updated 9-29-15
Commentary: updated Mon. thru Fri.
Mostly About Me: updated Mon. thru Fri.
Song Of The Day: updated Mon. thru Fri.
Remember: updated 6-29-15

Linden’s Legacy:

NEW 8-7. Granddaughter Alison”s new cooking blog:

NEW 9-29. Link to my Bless A Stranger project #21:

To date 17 of the projects I have backed were successfully funded and 3 failed to meet their goal and received no funding. Unfortunately one of the unfunded efforts was my own “Ireland Is Calling” effort. The hope to go in September 2015 was realized: my thanks to friends who have supported my hope.

Check Linden Swift at to view his 3 print books and 7 Kindle E-books. Two of the print books each contain 3 of the Kindle books. Sowing Seeds of Faith is his most recent and is available both as a print book and as an E-book. Please check them out when looking for new reads or gifts.

Check Linden Swift at for music and more.
It is often difficult for me to find a subject that I believe to be either worthy of your attention or of more than passing interest to me. This was not the case for this posting. The very first article I looked at is the one that is linked below.
Friday, as usual, started with Men’s Prayer Breakfast then took a nap to compensate for the early rising, picked up mail, talked to Brian and stayed busy.
Saturday brought the writers group meeting with John Graham leading an interesting talk. may bring you something of interest.
Sunday started with church and Sunday school attendance then, back home, I viewed the two very good books of pictures taken during Russ and Barb Nighbert’s trip to Ireland: they were at some of the places Brian and I visited. While looking at the pictures I listened to the Irish RTE radio station.
SONG OF THE DAY: Clare to Here:


The democrats brought you Obamacare.
Obama, Reid, and Pelosi lead the forces of evil.
Hate crime laws should be overturned.
Baseline budgeting is a taxpayer insult.
Carly answers questions: Hillary does not.
SCOTUS: undeserving of respect.

Friday, October 9, 2015



Linden’s Legacy: updated 9-29-15
Commentary: updated Mon. thru Fri.
Mostly About Me: updated Mon. thru Fri.
Song Of The Day: updated Mon. thru Fri.
Remember: updated 6-29-15

Linden’s Legacy:

NEW 8-7. Granddaughter Alison”s new cooking blog:

NEW 9-29. Link to my Bless A Stranger project #21:

To date 17 of the projects I have backed were successfully funded and 3 failed to meet their goal and received no funding. Unfortunately one of the unfunded efforts was my own “Ireland Is Calling” effort. The hope to go in September 2015 was realized: my thanks to friends who have supported my hope.

Check Linden Swift at to view his 3 print books and 7 Kindle E-books. Two of the print books each contain 3 of the Kindle books. Sowing Seeds of Faith is his most recent and is available both as a print book and as an E-book. Please check them out when looking for new reads or gifts.

Check Linden Swift at for music and more.
It is no secret that Linden has long believed that John Boehner and his counterpart in the Senate should be replaced. Recently Boehner announced that he would be retiring this month. Happy day!!! Three House members announced their candidacy…one later dropped out and
Boehner is now reported as saying he may stay on. Unhappy day!!!
Thursday started with breakfast with the guys: I presented the prayer and devotions. The Golden Glows had their monthly pitch-in luncheon: good food and an excellent portrayal of Amy Carmichael by Judy Gunning. Back home, I did two loads of wash, talked to Julie twice, Jim Querry was mowing the grass and came in for coffee and conversation
The hymn linked below is provided for your weekend listening pleasure.
SONG OF THE DAY: I Am Bound For The Promised Land:


The democrats brought you Obamacare.
Obama, Reid, and Pelosi lead the forces of evil.
Hate crime laws should be overturned.
Baseline budgeting is a taxpayer insult.
Carly answers questions: Hillary does not.
SCOTUS: undeserving of respect.

Thursday, October 8, 2015



Linden’s Legacy: updated 9-29-15
Commentary: updated Mon. thru Fri.
Mostly About Me: updated Mon. thru Fri.
Song Of The Day: updated Mon. thru Fri.
Remember: updated 6-29-15

Linden’s Legacy:

NEW 8-7. Granddaughter Alison”s new cooking blog:

NEW 9-29. Link to my Bless A Stranger project #21:

To date 17 of the projects I have backed were successfully funded and 3 failed to meet their goal and received no funding. Unfortunately one of the unfunded efforts was my own “Ireland Is Calling” effort. The hope to go in September 2015 was realized: my thanks to friends who have supported my hope.

Check Linden Swift at to view his 3 print books and 7 Kindle E-books. Two of the print books each contain 3 of the Kindle books. Sowing Seeds of Faith is his most recent and is available both as a print book and as an E-book. Please check them out when looking for new reads or gifts.

Check Linden Swift at for music and more.
Linden almost always attempts to bring you a short commentary and a link that is of interest to him and sometimes you. Today he considered two articles to be linked: the first outlined some bureaucratic items that had been stopped by a court and the second, which is linked below, is defined by the commentary subject. In regard to the article not selected, it appears that agencies may very well adopt almost any crazy idea so as to appear as if they are being productive. Perhaps our country would be better served if the employees of some agencies were put on permanent paid vacation. Think about that.
Wednesday started as a busy morning then I met Sam at Milano Inn for a Dissolution Committee meeting. On the way home I stopped at a store and also picked up my mail. Attended dinner and study at church in the evening.
The song linked below was also presented in July: this version is new to me. “Relax Your Mind” may also play as a bonus.
SONG OF THE DAY: My Creole Belle:


The democrats brought you Obamacare.
Obama, Reid, and Pelosi lead the forces of evil.
Hate crime laws should be overturned.
Baseline budgeting is a taxpayer insult.
Carly answers questions: Hillary does not.
SCOTUS: undeserving of respect.