Friday, January 30, 2009


It seems that for those of us who consider ourselves to be Conservative Republicans, there has been little in recent history to cheer about. Now, with 177 Republicans voting against the “stimulus” bill, it is appropriate to cheer.

Joining the Republicans were 11 Democrats. The oft-mentioned “blue dog” democrats failed to make an appearance. Perhaps they are just yellow dogs.

With the democrats being in the majority, the bill passed and now goes to the Senate. Once again, Linden advises you to note which Republicans, if any, fail to vote against this bill and consider finding a suitable opponent to run against them in the primary.
Of the 85 U.S. cities shown in the weather forecast, 56 of them are predicted to have temperatures dipping below freezing today: Of these, 33 are expected to stay below freezing all day.
EXODUS 8:1 – 9:35
GOD had a plague of frogs descend upon Egypt, Pharaoh said he would let the Israelites go if Moses would cause the frogs to go away: Moses did and Pharaoh changed his mind. This was followed by plagues of gnats, then flies and Pharaoh lied, once again. Then came plagues on the animals, of boils and of hail. Pharaoh lied again. The Israelites did not suffer from these plagues.

MATTHEW 19:13-30
JESUS blesses little children, counsels a rich young man and explains to his disciples.

PSALM 24:1-10
While walking out to the property entrance to meet Chuck, I slipped on the ice and had a nasty fall. The only real damage was to my right hand. We went on to the restaurant, I washed he bleeding hand and Bill found a bandage for it. Then, we had a pleasant breakfast.
Bill took me back to the church – I wanted to talk to Bob Nysewander about moving some snow in the lanes and behind my car. I thought maybe he could cut off the flap of skin on my hand but they insisted that I see a doctor. Ray Hayes took me. When we arrived back, Bob was already moving the snow.
I hadn’t been home to long before Brian called – said they had much snow in N.E. Ohio. I told him about my fall. Shortly after, the phone rang and Julie said, “are you home?” I said that I was and she mentioned that she was in my driveway and my car wasn’t there. She came in for a short visit. Brian had called her about my fall.
She had some business in Indiana during the day and a meeting at night. Had gotten in from Minneapolis last night and will return home to Chicago tomorrow (Friday.) She brought me a big bucket of chicken, some mashed potatoes and gravy and some green beans. Very good! She also brought me another book. I was really glad to see her. My children are wonderful.

Thursday, January 29, 2009


January 26 was a really sad day. On this day, by a vote of 60 to 34 tax cheat Timothy F. Geithner was confirmed as Secretary of the Treasury.

Of the 60 voting to confirm him, 50 were democrats. Now, it is never a surprise when the democrats confirm their low standards but it is both surprising and disappointing that 10 republicans would join them.

Of the 34 voting against him, 30 were stalwart Republicans, 3 were democrats and 1 was a socialist claiming to be independent. It would be so nice if the latter 4 were becoming straight thinkers but it is probably not to be.

Perhaps our attention should be focused on the 10 republicans who voted to confirm. It is no secret that several republicans over the years have abandoned any pretense of conservatism. Some in this list of 10 are a distinct and very disappointing surprise. The 10 are:

Corker (R-TN) Cornyn (R-TX) Crapo (R-ID) Ensign (R-NV) Graham (R-SC) Gregg (R-NH) Hatch (R-UT)
Shelby (R-AL) Snowe (R-ME) Voinovich (R-OH)

It is time that we Conservative Republicans start thinking about ensuring that those republicans who disappoint us are opposed in the next primary election. This is not to say that these 10 should be opposed but, they should certainly be on the list of those who bear watching.
EXODUS 5:22 – 7:25
Moses asked GOD why he had brought trouble to the Israelites. GOD told him to tell the Israelites that they would be released from bondage. Pharaoh would not grant the request of Moses and Aaron so, through them, GOD changed all the water to blood.

MATTHEW 18:21 – 19:12
JESUS tells the disciples a forgiveness parable and the Pharisees and disciples a parable concerned with adultery.

PSALM 23:1-6
PROVERBS 5:22-23
The snow was so deep that it was over my boots as I made the long walk to see if my morning paper had arrived. If it had, it was covered by the snow. It was very tiring to walk through snow that deep. Sometime during the day, I finished my effort to identify veterans of WW II and Korea that are members of our church. Nothing else of much significance. Hope to get out of this snowbound residence tomorrow. Click on the following link to find a worthwhile read.


Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Monday, while Linden was listening to Rush Limbaugh, he heard what he believes to be the best approach yet to one of our several national problems. This is not surprising since it may well be that Rush is smarter than many of our national leaders as well as being the best source of news.

Based upon Linden’s memory, the following was said or alluded to: Since there is much political pressure to throw another TRILLION dollars at one problem, why not adopt this bipartisan approach? Roughly 53% of the voters were for Obama and 46% for McCain, with 1% going to various nut cases – give that 1% to Obama to equal a 54 – 46 split.

Allow the democrats and their loony accomplices 540 billion dollars to pursue their “plan” and devote 460 billion dollars to tax cuts – mostly corporate and capital gains. At the end of a period, evaluate the two approaches. Almost (except for the 540 billion part) all of this makes sense. Linden’s money would be on the tax cut approach. Good idea, Rush!
EXODUS 4:1 – 5:21
GOD grants power to Moses and has he and Aaron to go to Egypt to secure the freedom of the Israelites. It does not go well and Pharaoh causes the workload to be increased and the workers to be beaten.

MATTHEW 18:1-20
JESUS cautions the disciples to care of little children, tells the parable of the lost sheep and how to resolve differences.

PSALM 22:19-31
PROVERBS 5:15-21
Had a long benevolence meeting Monday and did nothing else of much importance. Tuesday, it snowed like crazy so was outside the house very little. Looked at the converter box I have for the TV but decided to not try to hook it up myself – at least for now. Made many church related telephone calls: Attempting to identify those veterans who served during WW II or the Korean War. Probably have another 35 or 40 calls to make.
Please share my hope that my book sales will enable me to purchase two goats for some less fortunate that most of us.
Please click on the link below to find an article well worth reading.

Of the 85 U.S. cities listed in the Indianapolis Star weather section, 49 are expected to have a low temperature of less that freezing today. Of these, 25 are expected to have a high temperature of less than freezing. Many of the activities in Indiana are delayed or cancelled today due to heavy snowfall.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Linden thought that this forwarded message he had received was worth sharing with you. If Representative Kaye actually authored it, the place for him is in the U.S. Congress.

The following has been attributed to State Representative Mitchell Kaye from GA.
'We the sensible people of the United States, in an attempt to help everyone get along, restore some semblance of justice, avoid more riots, keep our nation safe, promote positive behavior, and secure the blessings of debt-free liberty to ourselves and our great-great-great-grandchildren, hereby try one more time to ordain and establish some common sense guidelines for the terminally whiny, guilt ridden, delusional. We hold these truths to be self evident: that a whole lot of people are confused by the Bill of Rights and are so dim they require a Bill of NON-Rights.'

You do not have the right to a new car, big screen TV, or any other form of wealth. More power to you if you can legally acquire them, but no one is guaranteeing anything.

You do not have the right to never be offended. This country is based on freedom, and that means freedom for everyone -- not just you! You may leave the room, turn the channel, express a different opinion, etc.; but the world is full of idiots, and probably always will be.

You do not have the right to be free from harm. If you stick a screwdriver in your eye, learn to be more careful; do not expect the tool manufacturer to make you and all your relatives independently wealthy.

You do not have the right to free food and housing. Americans are the most charitable people to be found, and will gladly help anyone in need, but we are quickly growing weary of subsidizing generation after generation of professional couch potatoes who achieve nothing more than the creation of another generation of professional couch potatoes.

You do not have the right to free health care. That would be nice, but from the looks of public housing, we're just not interested in public health care.

You do not have the right to physically harm other people. If you kidnap, rape, intentionally maim, or kill someone, don't be surprised if the rest of us want to see you fry in the electric chair.

You do not have a right to the possessions of others. If you rob, cheat, or coerce away the goods or services of other citizens, don't be surprised if the rest of us get together and lock you away in a place where you still won't have the right to a big screen color TV or a life of leisure.

You do not have the right to a job. All of us sure want you to have a job, and will gladly help you along in hard times, but we expect you to take advantage of the opportunities of education and vocational training laid before you to make yourself useful. Amen and Amen!!!

You do not have the right to happiness. Being an American means that you have the right to PURSUE happiness, which by the way, is a lot easier if you are unencumbered by an over abundance of idiotic laws created by those of you who were confused by the Bill of Rights.

This is an English speaking country . We don't care where you are from, English is our language. Learn it or go back to where you came from!
You do not have the right to change our country's history or heritage. This country was founded on the belief in one true God. And yet, you are given the freedom to believe in any religion, any faith, or no faith at all; with no fear of persecution.The phrase IN GOD WE TRUST is part of our heritage and history, and if you are uncomfortable with it, TOUGH!
EXODUS 2:11 – 3:22
After Moses was grown, he killed an Egyptian who was beating a Hebrew. He then fled and later married and had a son. GOD appeared to him in a burning bush and told him he was to go to Egypt to bring the Hebrews out of slavery. Moses was reluctant.
MATTHEW 17:10-27
JESUS tells the disciples that Elijah had returned as John the Baptist. He healed a boy from seizures and performed a tax money securing miracle.
PSALM 22:1-18
NOTE: Believed to refer to Jesus.

Monday, January 26, 2009


For many years Linden has known that International Disaster Emergency Service ( ) provides worldwide services to some of those areas afflicted by natural disasters.

This knowledge was recently expanded when, as a Christmas present, John Lee, our Sunday school class teacher, was presented with a certificate showing that our class had contributed, in his name, sufficient funds to provide two goats, eight chickens, one water buffalo and a fishing boat with net to some of the unfortunates. Yesterday it was announced that the fishing boat went to an area in Myamar (Burma) which had been struck by a tsunami.

As you may know, Linden writes and self-publishes books when moved to do so. He also produced a CD of his original songs in 2008. He will soon present his most recent book: “A SWIFT: NOT JONATHAN.” This year he will use a portion of his usually extremely modest revenues in an attempt to fund the purchase of two goats for some persons less fortunate than himself. If a miracle should happen and sales should mushroom, he will fund other items. Regardless, periodic progress reports will be posted.
GENESIS 46:1 – 47:31
Israel (Jacob) and over 60 of his male descendants plus their sisters, wives, children and possessions joined Joseph in Egypt. It was a joyous reunion. Joseph continued with his famine management duties.

MATTHEW 15:1-28
JESUS disagrees with the Pharisees, teaches the crowd and the disciples and heals the daughter of a Caananite woman.

PSALM 19:1-14
PROVERBS 4:14-19

GENESIS 48:1 – 49:33
Israel (Jacob) blesses the two sons of Joseph. Then, he blesses his 12 sons, the 12 tribes of Israel. Israel dies after instructing his sons.
NOTE: 49:10 is believed to refer to the coming of JESUS.

MATTHEW 15:29 16:12
JESUS heals many and feeds 4,000 men plus women and children with 7 loaves of bread and a few fish. JESUS warns the disciples of the teaching of the Pharisees and Sadducees.

PSALM 20:1-9
PROVERBS 4:20-27

GENESIS 50:1 – EXODUS 2:10
Joseph and a large group went to Canaan to bury his father, Israel. Joseph reassures his brothers and Genesis closes with his death. After the death of Joseph, the Israelites became so numerous that it concerned the new Egyptian ruler and the lives of the Israelites was then made difficult. Finally, Pharaoh said to throw male babies into the Nile but let the girls live. The mother of Moses, instead, placed him in a basket and put it in the reeds where it was then found by Pharaoh’s daughter. She, later, made Moses her son.

MATTHEW 16:13 – 17:9
Peter confesses the deity of JESUS. JESUS predicts his death. Peter, James and John go up on a mountain with JESUS where they saw Elijah and Moses.

PSALM 21:1-13
Friday brought Men’s Prayer Breakfast at 6:00. Did some editing for another writer. The day provided some additional benevolence related concerns.

Saturday: Made several project related phone calls, did a load of wash and sewed buttons on two shirts. It is hard to thread a needle: I really miss Rubye.

Sunday was mostly concerned with church related activities.
53 of the 85 cities listed are predicted to have a temperature below freezing today.

Friday, January 23, 2009


When Linden left the restaurant after breakfast for the 5 minute drive home, he switched the radio to WIBC and The Greg Garrison show. Tom Rose was the guest host.

In this short drive time, he mentioned the mountainous and disgusting trash heaps that marred Washington, D. C. after the end of the inauguration; Tom Brokaw comparing this affair to the overthrow of a communist regime (no wonder that watching the presentation of “news” has become an exercise in futility;) and President Obama issuing executive orders that will weaken our military.
Bill, Chuck and I were the attendees at our usual Thursday morning breakfast meeting. It is always enjoyable. Later, I called Jack to see how he is progressing after his knee surgery: It will be a while before he joins us for breakfast but he is really doing pretty well. Did a bunch of paperwork type stuff and still have a bunch to do.
GENESIS 44:1 – 45:28
Joseph makes himself known to his brothers and sends them back to Canaan with instructions to return with their father.

MATTHEW 14:13-36
JESUS uses five loaves of bread and two fish to feed five thousand men plus women and children. Later, JESUS walked on the water of the lake during a storm to reach his disciples in the boat.

PSALM 18:37-50
PROVERBS 4:11-13
Any of Linden’s six books or his first CD could be what you are looking for: They are inexpensive and not everybody has one.

The CD “Songs A Poor Old Police Department Retiree Might Write While Waiting For His Meager Pension Check” features Linden’s original compositions. The book subject matter ranges from political through poetry, baseball, prayer, cryptograms and Linden’s pilgrimage in Spain at age 75.

Plainfield area sales at Secondhand Stories in the strip mall at Raceway & Rockville roads. Online, go to addresses below and inquire on “Linden Swift”.

DONATIONS to support postings, are appreciated but not necessary, may be made to Linden Swift, Box 203, Plainfield, IN 46168

COMMENTS: Only those sent to are received.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Having not before touched upon this subject, I hope it is not too late for me to express pleasure over the sentence commutation of border patrol agents Campeon and Ramos.

I believe their sentence to be, at the very least, excessive and, perhaps, not justified at all. I, as I’m sure is true of many, was concerned that President Bush would leave office without addressing this believed to be injustice. I’m pleased that he did and I wish these two and their families well in facing what may be a difficult future.
Tuesday, in addition to watching a small portion of the televised inaugural events, was a day devoted primarily to small tasks, phone calls, etc.
Wednesday brought Study Buddy duty at an elementary school, a nice visit at Chick-fil-A while I had a mid-morning snack (large,) some tax form work, a great meal of Mexican food at church in the evening. It was followed by a very good study program and that was followed by a small group meeting. The day was busier than it sounds.
GENESIS 41:17 – 42:17
Joseph interprets two dreams for Pharaoh: 7 years of plenty followed by 7 years of famine. Pharaoh makes Joseph second in command in Egypt and responsible for planning for the famine. Joseph marries and has two children.
Ten of Joseph’s brothers, not Benjamin, come to Egypt from Canaan to buy food. He recognizes them but not they him. He accuses them of being spies and says that Benjamin must appear before him also.

MATTHEW 13:24-46
JESUS tells the crowd three parables and then explains them to his disciples.

PSALM 18:1-15

GENESIS 42:18 – 43:34
Joseph had Simeon kept in prison but sent the other brothers back to Canaan carrying food. They were instructed to return to Egypt with the younger brother. After a time, Israel sent the brothers, including Benjamin, back to Egypt to buy food. Joseph had a feast prepared for them but they still do not recognize him.

MATTHEW 13:47 – 14:12
JESUS tells the parable of the net and then returns to his hometown where he is not honored. Herod thought that JESUS was the reincarnation of John the Baptist who be had ordered beheaded to please the woman with whom he was having an illicit relationship.

PSALM 18:16-36

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Well, it happened again! Watching the inauguration brought tears to Linden’s eyes. Not because it was a great spectacle but because of all those great and some not so great leaders of the past who have led our nation to this point. We are and we have been blest.

The TV was turned on at about the time three former Presidents, Carter, Bush and Clinton, were due to make their appearance. The camera shifted to an unloading moving truck and the announcer said that a 92 person staff would do the arranging of the Obama possessions.

Senator Feinstein delivered a great welcoming speech and Pastor Rick Warren was faultless in his delivery of the invocation. Aretha Franklin sang “My Country, ‘Tis of Thee” and failed to impress with her ability. Then, the oath of office was administered to Senator Biden. Chief Justice Roberts administered the oath to our new President and he began speaking.

“Fear that the next generation must lower its sights” was one of his lines. Based upon the rapidly expanding federal spending which is taking place, it would appear that this is a reasonable fear.

“Begin the work of remaking America” was another line that was not cheered by Linden. “Thank You and God Bless America” were the great words that ended the speech. It was not uplifting or outstanding in any respect and most certainly was not a speech that should be chiseled in stone, as some had predicted.

The benediction was unimpressive but the most disappointing thing about the whole affair was the stupid rudeness shown by some of the attendees toward outgoing President Bush.

From Linden’s standpoint, perhaps the best thing was his increased regard for the poetry he writes. That which was presented can not be praised.

I hope the administration will be better than this writer’s opinion of the ceremony.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Friday: Walked to my church for Men’s Prayer Breakfast: It was about ten below zero and pretty nippy! Napped after I returned home and had a lazy day. Again.

Saturday: Attended the Men’s Prayer Breakfast at Kingsway church and, later, the Avon Writers Group meeting. Visited Jack at the Mooresville hospital in the afternoon. His knee replacement went OK but his pain med makes him a little goofy.

Sunday: Attended church services and Sunday school then read the paper and attended to small tasks at home. Had a small group related meeting back at church in the afternoon which was followed by evening services.

Monday: Up at 5:00 to post the blog then went back to bed and stayed there until 10:00 – rarely do that. Saw Jack at the hospital and did paperwork, computer and telephone things after returning home.
GENESIS 32:13 – 34:31
Jacob settles in his new area. His daughter, Dinah, is violated by Shechem, who now wants to marry her. Jacob’s sons, Simeon and Levi, agreed to the marriage if all the males of Shechem’s tribe will be circumcised: they agreed. While they were still in pain, the brothers killed all the males in the city, including Shechem and his father, Hamor. Jacob predicted trouble to follow.

MATTHEW 11:7-30
JESUS speaks about John the Baptist, those in unrepentant cities and rest for the weary.

PSALM 14:1-7
PROVERBS 3:19-20

GENESIS 35:1 – 36:43
GOD tells Jacob to move to Bethel and renames him Israel. Jacob moves again. Rachel dies after giving birth to Benjamin, Jacob’s 12th son. Isaac dies. Esau also moves: A long list of his descendents is given.

MATTHEW 12:1-21
The Pharisees question JESUS after he has eaten and has healed a man on the Sabbath. They plotted to kill JESUS but he left.

PSALM 15:1-5
PROVERBS 3:21-26

GENESIS 37:1 – 38:30
The sons of Jacob (Israel) were jealous of their brother, Joseph, and plotted to kill him. Instead, they sold him into slavery and convinced their father that he had been killed by wild animals. Judah, one of the brothers, had wives and children, including twins by the one who had been his daughter in law before the death of his son.

MATTHEW 12:22 – 45
After JESUS heals a blind mute, the Pharisees accuse him of being of the devil: He defends himself and accuses them.

PSALM 16:1-11 Believed to refer to the coming of JESUS.
PROVERBS 3:27 – 32

GENESIS 39:1 – 41:16
Joseph was sold to Potiphar in Egypt where, later, he was placed in charge. The wife of Potiphar falsely accused Joseph of improper advances and Joseph was thrown in prison. Later, he was placed in a position of trust there. Joseph interpreted dreams for two former servants of Pharoah and two years later one of these servants told Pharoah that Joseph might be able to interpret his dreams.

MATTHEW 12:46 – 13:23
JESUS says that those who do the will of GOD are his brother, sister and mother. From a boat, JESUS tells a crowd the parable of the sower and, later, explains it to his disciples.

PSALM 17:1-15
PROVERBS 3:33-35

Monday, January 19, 2009



Thank you to my friend Katia, who was recently granted American citizenship, for suggesting that I touch upon this subject.

Please click on the 3 addresses following my posting to read the thoughts of a truly gifted writer. Now, to my posting.

The inauguration of 2001 was a time of great joy for Linden. He had not looked with favor on the Clinton Presidential years and the thought of Al Gore succeeding him was sickening, indeed.

In Linden’s most recent book, A SWIFT: NOT JONATHAN there is a piece entitled “Letter To Laura” of which a portion is:

“As a 71-year-old weeper, my eyes were not dry on your
inauguration day from the opening prayer delivered by
Franklin Graham until after your fine speech. As a
Republican activist who contributed modestly to your
election effort, who has met each of your parents and
hopes to meet you sometime, I want you to know that I
expect a great deal of you. I’m pleased with what I’ve seen
to date.
I recognize that you will probably not personally see this
note, but, perhaps, the gist of it will be conveyed to you.
May God’s blessing be granted to you and yours and may
you succeed in your efforts on behalf of our country.”

So, based on the above, you should know that Linden has an understanding of those hopes for a new President. It is also easy for him to understand that universal agreement does not exist when rating the relative abilities of those who are elected. For example, Linden believes that Obama will be an absolute disaster for America. Millions disagree. Linden hopes that they are right.

Linden has read that Obama has made over 500 promises regarding things he will cause to be accomplished. That is a lot of promises. Linden plans to write about some of them. He hopes the change we will see will be good for America.
Hating the Jews
Here's the Link:

Why George W. Bush Reminds Me of Abraham Lincoln
Here's the Link:

G. W. Bush, a President Worthy of the Office

Friday, January 16, 2009


It has been no secret that Linden believes that the aims of the democrats are not in the best interest of the vast majority of the citizens of our country. Now, it appears that the time may be fast approaching when certain Republicans must be identified as not nearly strong enough in their conservative belief.

The movement of Harry Reid’s Wilderness bill is a case in point: Linden believes that the primary purpose of this bill is to make it more difficult for us to drill for our own oil. He believes that the democrats and some lackluster Republicans favor higher oil prices and support the continuing enrichment of those in the Middle East. This all at the expense of the American taxpayer.

It is doubtful that this is the last time Linden will voice his concern. At some point, he will probably be forced to identify those Republicans who should be opposed in their next primary election effort. That will be a sad day.
Of the 85 (including Indianapolis) cities mentioned in the Indianapolis Star temperature predictions for January 16, none in the lower 48 can be considered reasonably warm. 67 of these 85 are predicted to have temperatures below freezing and, of these, 20 are expected to have temperatures of zero or below.
GENESIS 31:17 – 32-12
Jacob leaves for his homeland; Laban follows but they part amicably. Jacob notifies his brother, Esau, that he is returning.

MATTHEW 10:24 – 11-6
JESUS instructs his disciples and hears from John the Baptist who is in prison.

PSALM 13:1-6
PROVERBS 3:16-18
Bill, Chuck and I were present for our breakfast meeting. Jack is supposed to have his long overdue knee operation today. I went to see him in the hospital in the afternoon. He was not yet in pain. Missionaries moved into the Mission House in the evening. I have not seen them, as yet. They are here from South America and just have to be freezing: It must not have gotten above zero today and I believe a minus 14 is predicted for tonight.
Any of Linden’s six books or his first CD could be what you are looking for: They are inexpensive and not everybody has one.

The CD “Songs A Poor Old Police Department Retiree Might Write While Waiting For His Meager Pension Check” features Linden’s original compositions. The book subject matter ranges from political through poetry, baseball, prayer, cryptograms and Linden’s pilgrimage in Spain at age 75.

Plainfield area sales at Secondhand Stories in the strip mall at Raceway & Rockville roads. Online, go to addresses below and inquire on “Linden Swift”.

DONATIONS to support postings, are appreciated but not necessary, may be made to Linden Swift, Box 203, Plainfield, IN 46168

COMMENTS: Only those sent to are received.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


This seems to be an odd title for a posting addressing global warming or cooling, as the case may be. Linden believes it to be appropriate.

There are few humans who have no desire to be somewhat popular. It is a popular now to believe that earth is in for a long period of man caused global warming. It is almost like a religion to the point that “news” sources refuse to report dissenting opinion or facts and those “scientists” who have decided that global cooling is a fact will remain nameless and unreported in the media.

Pride is as common as is the desire to be popular. Therefore, for those who may begin to question the accuracy of global warming proponents, pride keeps them silent. This is particularly true of those “scientists” who may benefit financially or professionally if they keep their doubts secret.

Power is the name of the game, politically speaking. To have the ability to reward huge voting blocs for toeing the line, to force manufacturers to produce a product for which there is no market, and to force generations to come to pay for this muddleheaded approach is a display of power, indeed.

The Indianapolis Star, in their weather section, lists the predicted temperatures for 84 U.S. cities. In the predictions for January 15, 60 of these 84 cities will have a temperature below freezing. Twelve cities will be at zero or below. Only 3 can be considered comfortably warm: Honolulu, Hawaii; San Juan, Puerto Rico; and St. Thomas, in The Virgin Islands.

Linden, caring not a whit for the three Ps, believes we are in a period of global cooling.
GENESIS 30:1 – 31:16
Jacob had sons and a daughter by Leah and Rachel and their two handmaidens. Laban tended to cheat Jacob so; Jacob prepared to return to the land of his father with his wives and possessions.

MATTHEW 10:1-24
JESUS sent the 12 disciples out to speak throughout the land.

PSALM 12:1-8
PROVERBS 3:13-15
Due to his desire to hibernate in cold weather, Linden has tended to stay close to the home fire the first 3 days of this week. On Wednesday, he had a Study Buddy session and a very good dinner at his church which was followed by a great study of the Book of Daniel.
Any of Linden’s six books or his first CD could be what you are looking for: They are inexpensive and not everybody has one.

The CD “Songs A Poor Old Police Department Retiree Might Write While Waiting For His Meager Pension Check” features Linden’s original compositions. The book subject matter ranges from political through poetry, baseball, prayer, cryptograms and Linden’s pilgrimage in Spain at age 75.

Plainfield area sales at Secondhand Stories in the strip mall at Raceway & Rockville roads. Online, go to addresses below and inquire on “Linden Swift”.

DONATIONS to support postings, are appreciated but not necessary, may be made to Linden Swift, Box 203, Plainfield, IN 46168

COMMENTS: Only those sent to are received.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I suppose Linden would be more completely honest if the title were “You Profess…” At a time in our history, particularly in the political arena we rarely go a week without hearing “We must do this or that for the children!”

Please recite for me the names of those sitting in the Congressional hall of shame who are concerned enough about “our children” to oppose the unconscionable waste of money (borrowed from these same children) that is being thrown to who knows where in the name of bailing out some entity that ignored the rules of capitalism.

Granted, in the instance of the ailing financial institutions, the fault was more with certain members of Congress that it is/was with the lenders themselves. Barney Frank spent years assuring questioners that Fannie and Freddie were solid, well funded and well managed. Now, those thousands of Massachusetts’s voters who participated in his re-election have demonstrated that they love him more than they do their own children who have been saddled with mountainous debt through his incompetence.
GENESIS 28:1 – 29:35
Isaac sent Jacob to Laban, Rebekah’s brother to get a wife. After 14 years he has two wives, Leah and Rachel. Leah bore him four sons.

MATTHEW 9:18-38
JESUS heals a sick woman, raises another from the dead, heals two blind men and a mute.

PSALM 11:1-7
PROVERBS 3:11-12
Any of Linden’s six books or his first CD could be what you are looking for: They are inexpensive and not everybody has one.

The CD “Songs A Poor Old Police Department Retiree Might Write While Waiting For His Meager Pension Check” features Linden’s original compositions. The book subject matter ranges from political through poetry, baseball, prayer, cryptograms and Linden’s pilgrimage in Spain at age 75.

Plainfield area sales at Secondhand Stories in the strip mall at Raceway & Rockville roads. Online, go to addresses below and inquire on “Linden Swift”.

DONATIONS to support postings, are appreciated but not necessary, may be made to Linden Swift, Box 203, Plainfield, IN 46168

COMMENTS Only those sent to are received.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Linden, because he believes that periodic review is often beneficial, brings you this study opportunity. Naturally, each of his postings from one year ago contains much more that is referred to herein. Look em up. Posting title appears in date sequence.

MEDIA MISSES: Rush Limbaugh coup.

IS IT TRUE?: A House approved bill!

JOB SECURITY: Global warming believers.

SELECTION VS. IOWA CAUCUS: Republican Iowa Caucus performance.

CHRISTMAS SNACKS FROM JULIE: My family plus some politics.

BACK TO THE CAMPAIGN: “News” reporting.

FIRST TWO???: Iowa and New Hampshire primaries.

BREAKFAST BUDDIES: The meeting was better than the title.

BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS: The title says it all.

PERSONAL PLUS POLITICAL: Birthday celebration, air powered car, candidate selection.

CURRENT EVENTS: Michigan primary, Golden Globe awards, Glenn Close & Tina Fey.
GENESIS 26:17 – 27:46
Esau marries two Hittite women: Isaac and Rebekah did not care for them. Jacob tricks Isaac into giving him the blessing that should have been given to Esau.

MATTHEW 9:1-17
JESUS heals a paralytic, Matthew is called to follow JESUS, other leaders did not approve of JESUS eating with “sinners” and not fasting.

PSALM 10:16-18

Note: Previously read Genesis 3:15, 12:3, 18:18 and Psalm 2:7 are believed to refer to the coming of JESUS.
Any of Linden’s six books or his first CD could be what you are looking for: They are inexpensive and not everybody has one.

The CD “Songs A Poor Old Police Department Retiree Might Write While Waiting For His Meager Pension Check” features Linden’s original compositions. The book subject matter ranges from political through poetry, baseball, prayer, cryptograms and Linden’s pilgrimage in Spain at age 75.

Plainfield area sales at Secondhand Stories in the strip mall at Raceway & Rockville roads. Online, go to addresses below and inquire on “Linden Swift”.

DONATIONS to support postings, are appreciated but not necessary, may be made to Linden Swift, Box 203, Plainfield, IN 46168

COMMENTS: Only those sent to are received.

Monday, January 12, 2009


Friday: Saw Diana at the bookstore and believe we have a book-signing event scheduled for my new book on February 7. Brenda, the secretary at my last job, called to say that she wouldn’t be able to make it to my birthday celebration tonight. Greg Phillips and his wife also didn’t make it. Thuc Phan had scheduled it at a nice Thai restaurant. Bob and Pati Hughes brought a birthday cake, Dan Fisher and Jeanne McFarland were there. I ate Pad Thai that was really good. Thuc sent some fruit and a box of chocolates home with me. Good evening.

Saturday was a lazy day: I slept in until maybe 8:00 and did very little the rest of the day. Joyce Brinkman called for a long visit: She had been in Louisville with her mother and is trying to plan a trip to Florida. I finished reading one of the books Julie gave me.

Sunday: Church, Sunday school, brunch with friends, paper reading, listened to music, took a nap and attended evening church services where we had an Ordination & Consecration service for two new members of the Board of Elders. This was followed by refreshments. At home, watched the first episode of my favorite TV program, 24.
GENESIS 20:1 – 22:24
The life of Abraham and Sarah until after the birth of Isaac.

MATTHEW 7:15-29
JESUS continues his teaching on the subjects of a tree and its fruit and the wise and foolish builders.

PSALM 9:1-12
PROVERBS 2:16-22

GENESIS 23:1 – 24:51
Sarah dies, age 127. Abraham sends a servant to the land of his family to find a wife for Isaac. The servant finds Rebekah.

MATTHEW 8:1-17
Jesus came down from the mountainside, healed a man with leprosy, the servant of a centurion, Peter’s mother-in-law and many who were demon possessed. This fulfilled a prophesy of Isaiah.

PSALM 9:13-20

GENESIS 24:52 – 26:16
Isaac marries Rebekah. Abraham dies. Ishmael, son of Abraham and Hagar, had 12 sons who were hostile to their brothers. Ishmael dies. Isaac, son of Abraham and Sarah, had two sons, Jacob and Esau, by Rebekah. Isaac grew rich and was asked to move away by Abimelech because Isaac had grown too powerful.

MATTHEW 8:18-34
JESUS calms the storm on the lake and heals two demon-possessed men.

PSALM 10:1-15
Any of Linden’s six books or his first CD could be what you are looking for: They are inexpensive and not everybody has one.

The CD “Songs A Poor Old Police Department Retiree Might Write While Waiting For His Meager Pension Check” features Linden’s original compositions. The book subject matter ranges from political through poetry, baseball, prayer, cryptograms and Linden’s pilgrimage in Spain at age 75.

Plainfield area sales at Secondhand Stories in the strip mall at Raceway & Rockville roads. Online, go to addresses below and inquire on “Linden Swift”.

DONATIONS to support postings, are appreciated but not necessary, may be made to Linden Swift, Box 203, Plainfield, IN 46168

COMMENTS: Only those sent to are received.

Friday, January 9, 2009


This is merely a continuation of a probably very worthwhile study which was started December 12, 2008. In the area of “hope” and “change”, Linden hopes it will cause you to think and perhaps change your mind.

Although it was not widely covered by the ever-vigilant MSM, a high percentage of thinking voters in our last Presidential election believed that Governor Sarah Palin possessed more executive experience than the other three candidates combined. Linden is part of the group that believes this to be true.

Just as it is reasonable to assume that a Governor acquires executive experience more rapidly that a community organizer, it may be assumed that a President acquires this experience more rapidly than a Governor.

If all of the above is true, then, at some point, President-to-be Obama will on some date possess as much executive experience as Governor Sarah Palin had on November 4, 2008. The object of this poll is to determine when this date may be.

Basic rules: You are encouraged to submit the date you believe this event will occur. The date you submit may be no earlier than January 20, 2009 and, as a Christmas gift to then President Obama, may be no later than December 31, 2009. Dates submitted which do not fall within these requirements will be adjusted. It is anticipated that there will be a frequent report and, since, depending on your view of Obama’s progress, your opinion may change, you are encouraged to submit a weekly entry.
Respond to:

Our three polls to date have shown little variation as to when parity may be achieved. The date is now expected to be October 24, 2009: This reflects an improvement of 13 days for Obama since the last poll. March 10 is the date that now reflects the most confidence in him.
Breakfast with Jack and Chuck: Jack led the devotions. Our Golden Glows group at my church had a luncheon at 11:30: I signed up to go back to Johnson Bible College next June. I purchased a converter for my TV today and should be prepared for the switch to digital.
GENESIS 18:16 – 19:38
Events leading up to and including the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.

MATTHEW 6:25 – 7:14
JESUS teaches: Do not worry; judging others; ask, seek, knock and the narrow and wide gates.

PSALM 8:1-9
Any of Linden’s six books or his first CD could be what you are looking for: They are inexpensive and not everybody has one.

The CD “Songs A Poor Old Police Department Retiree Might Write While Waiting For His Meager Pension Check” features Linden’s original compositions. The book subject matter ranges from political through poetry, baseball, prayer, cryptograms and Linden’s pilgrimage in Spain at age 75.

Plainfield area sales at Secondhand Stories in the strip mall at Raceway & Rockville roads. Online, go to addresses below and inquire on “Linden Swift”.

DONATIONS to support postings, are appreciated but not necessary, may be made to Linden Swift, Box 203, Plainfield, IN 46168

COMMENTS: Only those sent to are received.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


This act requires that all bills introduced in the U. S. Congress include a statement setting forth the specific constitutional authority under which the law is being enacted.

It has been introduced in numerous sessions of Congress by U. S. Congressman John Shadegg of Arizona. It has not yet been even close to fully supported by a majority of the other members.

It would seem that passage of this act would be beneficial to any effort made to make Congress more efficient and responsible. You may wish to ask those representing you about the act.
Today was the first Study Buddy session of the new year: My student is doing well and seems to enjoy our time together. Had dinner at my church and listened to a great presentation on Daniel by Dr. Johnny Pressley of Cincinnati Christian University.
GENESIS 16:1 – 18:15
Abram had a son, Ishmael, by Hagar. GOD gives Abram the new name of Abraham. Sarah, wife of Abraham, does not believe that GOD will bless her with a son since she is 90 years old.

MATTHEW 6:1-24
JESUS speaks on not giving for show, prayer, fasting and treasures in heaven.

PSALM 7:1-17
Any of Linden’s six books or his first CD could be what you are looking for: They are inexpensive and not everybody has one.

The CD “Songs A Poor Old Police Department Retiree Might Write While Waiting For His Meager Pension Check” features Linden’s original compositions. The book subject matter ranges from political through poetry, baseball, prayer, cryptograms and Linden’s pilgrimage in Spain at age 75.

Plainfield area sales at Secondhand Stories in the strip mall at Raceway & Rockville roads. Online, go to addresses below and inquire on “Linden Swift”.

DONATIONS to support postings, are appreciated but not necessary, may be made to Linden Swift, Box 203, Plainfield, IN 46168

COMMENTS: Only those sent to are received.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Of course Linden wishes that he had thought of the title word sequence. He did not. It has been used by many others and probably nobody knows its originator.

At this time in our history it seems particularly fitting to use it in conjunction with writings about our Congress. Maybe even those who hold or will hold office in the same general area of inefficiency.

READY could be considered the flailing around in the initial “planning” and bill writing process as Congress and others attempt to address the economic problems which were primarily caused by a previous congressional malfunction.

FIRE then becomes the passing of the monstrosity of a bill and the signing of it into law.

AIM then becomes those who are affected by the law. This would include a probably huge number of non-producers; all current taxpayers; those who benefit from the expected large number of non-germane earmarks; our children; their children; following generations; those who will suffer if and when our currency is devalued and, undoubtedly, others.
The weather was yucky, the roads slick and it was another day for the continuing celebration of Linden’s birthday. This time it was a luncheon with Sam Friedman at The Milano Inn. Roughly 25 years ago, Julie and I, in the dog days of our life, went there for a special dinner. Sam admires Julie’s ability to verbally spear her father.
GENESIS 13:5 – 15:21
Abram and Lot separate, with Lot and his group moving near Sodom – a wicked city. Lot got caught up in a war involving a total of nine kings and he was captured. Abram rescued him. GOD told Abram that he will have many descendents, that they will be enslaved for 400 years and that they will then have possession of vast lands.

MATTHEW 5:27 – 48
Having previous spoken regarding murder, JESUS now speaks on adultery, divorce, oaths, and eye for an eye and love for enemies.

PSALM 6:1-10
PROVERBS 1:29-33
Any of Linden’s six books or his first CD could be what you are looking for: They are inexpensive and not everybody has one.

The CD “Songs A Poor Old Police Department Retiree Might Write While Waiting For His Meager Pension Check” features Linden’s original compositions. The book subject matter ranges from political through poetry, baseball, prayer, cryptograms and Linden’s pilgrimage in Spain at age 75.

Plainfield area sales at Secondhand Stories in the strip mall at Raceway & Rockville roads. Online, go to addresses below and inquire on “Linden Swift”.

DONATIONS to support postings, are appreciated but not necessary, may be made to Linden Swift, Box 203, Plainfield, IN 46168

COMMENTS: Only those sent to are received.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


A December 31 Rasmussen poll reported that 55% of democrats say that Israel should have tried to find a diplomatic solution to the ongoing Hamas rocket attacks. What a bunch of pansies!

For what seems like the major portion of Linden’s long life there have been peace initiatives and attempted diplomatic solutions to the ongoing problems between Israel and its neighbors. All too much press coverage with little actual results.

The continuing rocket attacks on Israel attracted little press coverage or condemnation by the democrats. However, when Israel finally retaliated, the hue and cry was instantaneous and almost entirely critical of Israel. A collection of chickens crying, “the sky is falling.”

The United Nations awakened from long slumber to cry out for another round of diplomacy! How many taxpayers that share the same tax bracket with Linden does it take to finance this worthless organization? Will any of us live long enough for our Congress to finally shut off this misspent money? Probably not! The pansy carrying chickens are in control.
Met with Chuck for breakfast and a discussion of publishing and book production avenues for a friend of his who is considering such an effort.
Sometimes our children get overly protective. I know that I am in for a lecture if mine find out that I got a ladder and climbed up multiple times to clean the leaves out of the gutters. It was cold and I came in several times to warm up.
GENESIS 11:1 – 13:4
The Tower of Babel building effort results in the common language being no more and the peoples being scattered. Also, the generations from Shem to Abram.

MATTHEW 5:1-26
JESUS teaches the Beatitudes. He teaches further, including, “For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven.”

PSALMS 5:1-12
PROVERBS 1:24-28
Any of Linden’s six books or his first CD could be what you are looking for: They are inexpensive and not everybody has one.

The CD “Songs A Poor Old Police Department Retiree Might Write While Waiting For His Meager Pension Check” features Linden’s original compositions. The book subject matter ranges from political through poetry, baseball, prayer, cryptograms and Linden’s pilgrimage in Spain at age 75.

Plainfield area sales at Secondhand Stories in the strip mall at Raceway & Rockville roads. Online, go to addresses below and inquire on “Linden Swift”.

DONATIONS to support postings, are appreciated but not necessary, may be made to Linden Swift, Box 203, Plainfield, IN 46168

COMMENTS: Only those sent to are received.

Monday, January 5, 2009


Usually, Linden prepares the daily posting in the evening before the posting date shown. Since Sunday (Linden’s birthday) was an unusually busy day, he did not get the long posting he had planned put together. Maybe tomorrow.

Don’t forget that Friday is the day he plans to post an updated poll type result of the question “On what date in 2009 will Barack Obama attain the same level of executive experience as Sarah Palin possessed on Election Day?” Date may not be earlier than 1-20-09 or later than 12-31-09. You may change the date you use as often as you wish. Respond to

Friday brought mostly routine activities, no Men’s Prayer Breakfast today, started roughing out my next book writing effort.

Saturday I was late to a men’s meeting at Kingsway church: I had arisen plenty early enough but made the mistake of setting in my recliner and nodded off. Rest of the day was routine except for staying up late to watch the Colts lose a football playoff game.

Sunday: Church and Sunday school, brunch with friends, paper reading, many phone calls, including a couple of “happy birthday” songs, several email messages and evening church services. I was late for these services because of trying to handle a transportation detail. This was a good birthday and the divinity that Lola Blake gave me was and is really good. My intention to devote more time to Bible study has not yet faltered.
BIBLE STUDY January 2, 3 and 4
GENESIS 3:1 – 4:26
Adam and Eve disobey GOD and are banished from the Garden. Cain and Abel are born. Cain kills Abel. Children are born.

MATTHEW 2:13 – 3:6
John the Baptist, preaching and baptizing, predicts the coming of JESUS.

PSALM 1:1-6

GENESIS 5:1 – 7:24
The generations from Adam to Noah’s family. The great flood, its cause and effect.

MATTHEW 3:7 – 4:11
JESUS is baptized by John the Baptist and is tempted by the devil.

PSALM 3:1-8
PROBERBS 1:10-19

GENESIS 8:1 – 10:32
The earth becomes dry. GOD gave everything that lives and moves to man to eat. A listing of those following Noah.

MATTHEW 4:12-25
JESUS returns to Galilee, began to preach, called the first disciples, and did extensive healing in the region. Large crowds followed him.

PSALM 4:1-8
PROVERBS 1:20-23

Friday, January 2, 2009


After being out late last night, Linden slept late on this first day of the year and, after arising, accomplished little worth mentioning the entire day. The high point of the day was reading a Kyle-Anne Shiver piece in American Thinker about Laura Bush.
Saw Gerry Dunkin, Kent McPhail and the donkeys in the Rose Bowl parade. Later, watched that game until interest was lost. Then, watched a bit of perhaps the worst movie ever produced. Truly a slow start for the New Year.
The days since Christmas have been uneventful and largely un-notated. Went to a very nice New Year’s Eve party at the home of Carl and Shirley. Six couple and myself attended. The meal was great and afterward we played cards and visited until the start of the New Year. It was really enjoyable.
Although not really a resolution, Linden did decide to make a minor effort to read through the Bible. This marks the start of that effort.
GENESIS 1:1-2:25
GOD created the earth and the heavens and the occupants thereof – including Adam and Eve who were placed in the Garden of Eden.
MATTHEW 1:1-2:12
The generations preceding JESUS and his birth.
Joseph and Mary take JESUS to Egypt to escape Herod. Upon the death of Herod, they return to Israel and settle in Nazareth in Galilee. The above fulfills many prophecies.
PSALM 2:1-12
Any of Linden’s six books or his first CD could be what you are looking for: They are inexpensive and not everybody has one.

The CD “Songs A Poor Old Police Department Retiree Might Write While Waiting For His Meager Pension Check” features Linden’s original compositions. The book subject matter ranges from political through poetry, baseball, prayer, cryptograms and Linden’s pilgrimage in Spain at age 75.

Plainfield area sales at Secondhand Stories in the strip mall at Raceway & Rockville roads. Online, go to addresses below and inquire on “Linden Swift”.

DONATIONS to support postings, are appreciated but not necessary, may be made to Linden Swift, Box 203, Plainfield, IN 46168

COMMENTS: Only those sent to are received.

Thursday, January 1, 2009


In each of the past two years at this time Linden has attempted to enumerate some of the plans and possible activities loosely planned for the following year. This continues that tradition.

Attempt to write at least one additional book.
Attempt to devote time to developing a board game.
Continue posting blog.
Attempt to expand book and CD sales.
Travel to Johnson Bible College with my church group.

I suppose we should consider my prior relative success:

A SWIFT: NOT JONATHAN was written but, due to my lackadaisical approach, was not produced in time to take advantage of the Christmas sales season.

The play I wanted to attempt is contained in the book mentioned above.

The CD I had previously mentioned was recorded at Thanksgiving 2007 in Maine: Was duplicated and ready for purchase in April 2008. I like some of the songs I wrote but wish my singing voice were just a shade better.

No progress on the game development: See lackadaisical approach above.

Now, with over 300 blog postings complete, I am happy with that effort.

Book and CD sales: Once again, see lackadaisical approach.

Travel: I did make it with the group to Johnson Bible College but my hoped for return to Austria was not to be. This was also true of possible trips to see Julie or Brian and to visit Ireland for the first time. Perhaps this year I will build up the strength necessary to attempt such things again. I have talked to Brian about the possibility of he and I going to Spain in 2010. The trip there in 2005 was memorable as was my 2007 stint in Austria. The truth is, I was relatively strong at age 75 but now, four years later, I am not so confident.