Joining the Republicans were 11 Democrats. The oft-mentioned “blue dog” democrats failed to make an appearance. Perhaps they are just yellow dogs.
With the democrats being in the majority, the bill passed and now goes to the Senate. Once again, Linden advises you to note which Republicans, if any, fail to vote against this bill and consider finding a suitable opponent to run against them in the primary.
Of the 85 U.S. cities shown in the weather forecast, 56 of them are predicted to have temperatures dipping below freezing today: Of these, 33 are expected to stay below freezing all day.
EXODUS 8:1 – 9:35
GOD had a plague of frogs descend upon Egypt, Pharaoh said he would let the Israelites go if Moses would cause the frogs to go away: Moses did and Pharaoh changed his mind. This was followed by plagues of gnats, then flies and Pharaoh lied, once again. Then came plagues on the animals, of boils and of hail. Pharaoh lied again. The Israelites did not suffer from these plagues.
MATTHEW 19:13-30
JESUS blesses little children, counsels a rich young man and explains to his disciples.
PSALM 24:1-10
While walking out to the property entrance to meet Chuck, I slipped on the ice and had a nasty fall. The only real damage was to my right hand. We went on to the restaurant, I washed he bleeding hand and Bill found a bandage for it. Then, we had a pleasant breakfast.
Bill took me back to the church – I wanted to talk to Bob Nysewander about moving some snow in the lanes and behind my car. I thought maybe he could cut off the flap of skin on my hand but they insisted that I see a doctor. Ray Hayes took me. When we arrived back, Bob was already moving the snow.
I hadn’t been home to long before Brian called – said they had much snow in N.E. Ohio. I told him about my fall. Shortly after, the phone rang and Julie said, “are you home?” I said that I was and she mentioned that she was in my driveway and my car wasn’t there. She came in for a short visit. Brian had called her about my fall.
She had some business in Indiana during the day and a meeting at night. Had gotten in from Minneapolis last night and will return home to Chicago tomorrow (Friday.) She brought me a big bucket of chicken, some mashed potatoes and gravy and some green beans. Very good! She also brought me another book. I was really glad to see her. My children are wonderful.