1. Does a recent discovery indicate that President Bush was justified in vetoing embryonic stem cell research legislation? (yes)
2. Does this mean that his opponents (mostly democrats) were wrong? (yes)
3. Did most of you, in your media influenced ignorance, believe that he was opposed to all stem cell research? (yes)
4. Would you say that Oprah Winfrey's support of Barack Obama has just a hint of racism? (maybe)
5. Does granting rights to illegal immigrants discriminate against those immigrants who are attempting to gain citizenship legally? (yes)
6. Should the Immigration & Naturalization Service be abolished? (yes)
7. Do the European nations seem friendlier to the U.S. than they have in years? (yes)
8. Could this be because the Bush Iraq policy is now seen as the correct policy in regard to the war on terrorism? (yes)
9. Was President Bush correct in asking Congress to address the Social Security funding problems? (yes)
10. Was the failure of Congress to act an indication of general democrat Congressional leadership ineptitude? (yes)
11. Do you approve of democrat plans to raise your taxes? (no)
12. Is the inclusion of billions of dollars worth of "earmarks" in spending bills an indication of democrat Congressional leadership failure? (yes)
13. Does this mean that the promises made by this leadership early in 2007 were lies? (yes)
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