All of these good things started evaporating after the 2006 election and that evaporation accelerated after the 2008 election. This election was almost certainly the largest and most underreported display of racial bias that has occurred in this country for a very, very long time.
Now, just over two months into the term of President Obama and an even more powerfully controlled democrat Congress just look at where we are: Burgeoning unemployment, rising inflation (with greater expansion almost sure to come), talk of raising taxes and a lowered sense of security.
Hillary Clinton has proven to be an embarrassment as Secretary of State, tax cheats in or recommended for public office, and perhaps most unsettling of all is the combination of a move to replace the dollar with some other currency and the possibility that China will refuse to underwrite any more of the profligate spending by this administration. If this isn’t unsettling, surely the dismantling of our capitalist form of government has to be a bad dream maker.
In many regards, Linden believes we are in a weaker position now than we were during the years of the Roosevelt depression. On a happier note, check out these links for a real treat: The first is a great article by Kyle-Anne Shiver and the second a video of Daniel Hannon which could be directed at our President.
Had biscuits and gravy at Chick-fil-A, went to the post office, credit union, and the church office. Mailed some DVDs. Doesn’t sound like a busy day – but it was. Brian left me a message: He made it back from Florida.
Linden’s book “AN OLD MAN ON THE ST. JAMES WAY” ($6.95) addresses Linden’s thoughts and activities when, as a 75 year old, he crosses Northern Spain on the ancient pilgrimage trail.
“BOUT FIRTEEN COUNTRY CHILDERN RIMES” ($3.00) reminiscent of James Whitcomb Riley, these 20 poems with illustrations address the lives of four-year-old twins. It is written as they may speak.
Now that Linden’s 2009 sales have financed two goats for some of the needy in the world, his next goal is to fund the purchase of a water buffalo. Order at:
In “Store Search” use “Linden” for books, “police dept” for CD.
Use “Linden” to search in both book and music sections.
DEUTERONOMY 13:1 – 15:23
Caution against worshiping other gods. Addressed clean and unclean food, tithes, canceling debts, freeing servants and firstborn animals.
LUKE 8:40 – 9:6
JESUS heals a bleeding woman and raises a child from the dead. JESUS sends out the 12 disciples to preach and to heal.
PSALM 71:1-24
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